Diagon Alley

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Hermione sat in the living room, waiting for everyone else to arrive. She was super nervous, for the fear of being caught scared the living shit out of her. Hermione knew that she wouldn't be able to protect someone if they got attacked. She was afraid that something would happen to her friends and she wouldn't be able to save them.

Ginny entering the room interrupted Hermione's thoughts. The ginger girl had a sly grin on her face as she entered.

"What's up with you?" Hermione inquired to which Ginny just shook her head.

"Just excited." Ginny grinned. "Ya know, books and stuff."

"You've been a bad influence on her, Hermione." George said as he entered the room, "She's starting to like books." he shivered.

"Oh shut up." Hermione retaliated.

"I think it's good to enjoy education." Fred piped in. George looked at him with a look of horror.

"Are you feeling okay, Freddie? Do I need to take you to the hospital? Do you have a fever? You're starting to sound hysterical!" George panicked as he felt Fred's forehead checking for signs of a fever. Fred looked at him annoyed.

"I'm fine, honestly." Fred snapped at George.

"Hermione, look at what you're doing to my siblings!" George looked at Hermione with desperation. Hermione rolled her eyes at George.

"For goodness sakes, George. They're fine." Hermione stood up. "Now can we leave, I'm getting bored!"

"Of course, anything for you Hermione dearest." George smiled charmingly to which he got whacked on the back of the head by Ginny.

"Good, that's the attitude I like to hear." Hermione smiled back at him.

Just a short little chapter to satisfy your needs.

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