Yule Ball

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Hermione sighed. "Hermione! Stay still! Unless you want your protruding from the side of your head!" Ginny snapped as she tried to tame the frizz that was Hermione's hair. Ginny already was done with herself and looked absolutely ravishing reminding Hermione of a flower garden. Hermione looked over at her dress. It was a pretty periwinkle blue and was nice and simple. It had cap sleeves and a ruffled skirt. It had a pretty blue ribbon tied around the waist. "And done!" Ginny clapped. Hermione looked into the mirror and her jaw dropped. Her hair was half put up and half falling down her shoulder in beautiful brown ringlets. Ginny smiled. "Now, your dress, then makeup!" Hermione slipped the dress on and had Ginny zip it up. Ginny then started on her makeup. She had light pink lips with a little blush, a little ,mascara and sparkly periwinkle eyeshadow. Ginny somehow made Hermione beautiful. Hermione stood up and threw on a pair of heels, the first time she has ever worn heels. She tripped slightly but regained her footing a followed Ginny down to the staircase where they would meet their dates. Ginny had asked Neville because he had no one to go with, and Hermione knew that she wanted Harry to ask her. Then, she saw Rory and Ella talking to a girl with blue hair that Hermione thought to be Melina, Rory ' s brother's  date. This is what they were wearing:

 This is what they were wearing:Rory:

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Hermione smiled and waved them over

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Hermione smiled and waved them over. "You look beautiful Hermione!" Ella gasped. Rory nodded. "You too." Hermione giggled. "Oh, Rory, who finally asked you?" Hermione questioned. Ella and Ginny giggled as Rory turned red in the face. "George. 'Effin. Weasley." She muttered through her clenched teeth. Hermione giggled. "You and George?" "He had no one, I had no one, so now we are going together." She scowled. Everyone burst out laughing. Then, the blue haired girl came over. "Hi. I'm Melina Bell. You must be Ginny and Hermione." She smiled. Hermione nodded a greeting to her. Ginny waved. "Hello ladies." Hermione heard behind her. She recognized the thick accents to be her and Ella's dates. "Viktor." Hermione smiled. "Ve have to go in virst. Vor the Champions dance." Viktor smiled in his thick accent.  Hermione smiled and took his arm. Ella was talking with Aleksander as he was flirting with her, but she wasn't taking any of it. She and Draco still loved each other, but they agreed to keep their relationship a secret. Hermione chuckled softly at the scene before her. Soon, George, Fred and Angelina joined them and Rory just sat with her arms crossed glaring at the French champion Fleur. George tried to talk to her but she wouldn't talk until her brother came a grabbed his date. Soon, it was time for the Champions dance. Krum lead Hermione in and they waited for the music to start. Krum started spinning Hermione in circles, and for once, Hermione felt like a girl. And she loved it. She laughed as she was spun so much she was dizzy. Hermione took a seat to catch her breath after the dance. "Why did you have to go with him?" She heard from behind her. Hermione whipped around. "Because, Ronald, he asked me."  She scowled at him. "Well, why are you wearing that dress? I thought you hated being a girl." He said. "GUESS WHAT RONALD! I AM A GIRL!!! SO STOP BEING A BITCH!!! THE ONE TIME I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF YOU HAVE TO GO ND RUIN IT!!! UGH." Hermione screamed. She got up and ran out. She collapsed on the stairs sobbing. She curled up in a ball and kicked her shoes off. She didn't care who saw her, she hated Ron at the moment and they could see how much she hated him and how much he hurted her. She felt a pair of arms lift her up and she cried into the person. "Shh... it's ok." She didn't realize that the person  who was saving her now was the same person who had saved her from her death earlier that school year. She was set down in a comfy object, which she assumed was a bed, and fell asleep instantly.
A/N: Yay! I got it done! What do you think? You know what, I don't care! Fuck you if you don't like it. It's my first creation. Well, I should get another one out soon.

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