One of Those Awkward Dinners

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Hermione Granger liked Mrs. Weasley's cooking more than anyone else's. She almost wanted to just marry Ron for her cooking, and that's it. Hermione was squeezed in between Ron and Ginny. The twins were across the table from her, grinning mischievously. She quickly shot them a look, her eyebrow raised and a small, forced smile on her face.

"'Mione, you look so pretty when you smile-" Fred smiled.

"-you should do it more often." George finished, earning a scowl from Hermione. George then crinkled his freckled face up into a smile. Fred looked at his brother with raised eyebrows. Hermione then turned her attention to piling food onto her plate.

"Dang, that's a lot, Hermione!" Ron commented. Everyone turned to stare at him and Hermione, who stopped mid-bite.

"Excuse me?" Hermione said quietly, not looking at Ron.

"I said that was a lot," Ron said again. Ginny breathed in sharply and the twins looked at each other. Hermione put down her fork and looked at Ron with an emotionless face. Suddenly, Hermione's palm met Ron's cheek, making a loud sound.

"How dare you?! You are a bastard, Ron Weasley!" Hermione shouted, standing up so suddenly she knocked her chair over. The bushy haired girl ran out of the room in tears.

"Ron, you idiot! Do you think that's how you're going to win her heart? With calling her fat?!" Ginny yelled. Ron looked at the twins but only found one. George sat there glaring at his brother. Fred, on the other hand, was running up the stairs to console Hermione.

Fred banged on Hermione's door before entering. The girl was sitting on her bed, her arms pulling her knees to her chest and her face crying into them. "Oh 'Mione," Fred said as he sat down and wrapped his arms around her, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I'm fine," Hermione said, wiping away her tears with her sleeve. Fred looked at her, worried.

"No, you are not. Hermione, talk to me." Fred looked down at her. She looked up at him with her big, brown eyes. Suddenly, her lips were on his. And that, my friends, was how Hermione Granger had her first kiss.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. If you want another kiss, send me some fan art. Otherwise no more kissing.

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