Who, What, When?

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A/N: Since I am a shipping crazed fangirl, I will have all my fav ships in here. Love ya!
Hermione groggily woke up from her dreamless sleep. She looked to see she was in her pajamas and her dress was hung up. Lavender Brown emitted a loud snore. Hermione flumped back down. She blew a piece of hair out of her face.   She remebered the past night. That prat of Weasley! And yet she still felt a flutter of heart when she thought of him. She huffed and ran a hand through her frizz. She got up groggily and looked at her pretty  blue dress. A tear traveled down her cheek. She threw on her uniform and headed downstairs. She saw Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell and the twins sitting and talking. "Oh, hey Hermione!" Katie waved.Hedmione gave her a curt nod. "Hermione, do you want a sweet?" Angelina asked her. Alicia gave a little giggle. Hermione shrugged and grabbed the sweet. She popped it in her mouth  and chewed on it. She swallowed and the group started laughing. "Angelina, what did you give me?" Hermione said suspiciously. Angelina pointed to the mirror laughing. Hermione slowly walked over a screamed. Her skin was purple! "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!!! WAIT UNTIL YOUR MOTHER HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!" Hermione shrieked. The twins faces turned into worried expressions. They quickly undid it while Hermione scowled at them. Hermione stomped out of the room after glaring at all of them. She went to the Great Hall to find two girls already waiting for her. "Isn't Roger cute in the morning? I mean-" Rory sighed dreamily. "Shut up will you? I'm trying to eat!" Ella complained. Hermione laughed as she sat next to them. Ella looked hopelessly at her. "It's been all day every day since the ball. Help me." Ella whispered. Hermione spoke up a little bit, "Did you hear that cute Hufflepuff Justin Flinch-Fletchley  is single? I totally want to ask him out, but I still have my eyes on someone else. Oh well!" Hermione sighed loudly. Ella made an 'oh' shape with her mouth and nodded. "Yeah, to bad. Especially since I'm going out with my Durmstrang boy," sigh, "Oh to bad!" Ella made a face that Hermione deciphered her trying to be disappointed. Rory looked at them weirdly. "You're right. If I go out with another boy, maybe Roger will become jealous!" She smiled. "I'm gonna go talk to Justin." She stood up and walked off towards the Hufflepuff table. Ella made a face of relief. Then the twins marched in and squeezed themselves on either side of the ginger girl. "Moooorning." Fred grinned as he grabbed a piece of toast. "Is Rory talking to a Hufflepuff boy?" George said, his gaze fixated on Rory. Ella nodded excitedly. "I thought she liked Davies." Fred muttered. "She does," Ella stated, "She's making him jealous." The twins just nodded and returned to eating.

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