Hermione, Hermione, Where Art Thou Hermione?

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A/N:  If it is italicized it is a dream,so let me not confuse you.

Hermione slipped into darkness as her head hit the floor. Hermione opened her eyes to find herself in a garden. There was a pretty ginger girl next to her, but it wasn't Ginny. Her hair was a darker shade and had a slight curl to it. Plus she didn't  have Ginny's blue eyes. She had bright green ones. They actually looked familiar... "Darling, what are you staring at?" The girl said. She looked a little bit older then Hermione. "You. Your so pretty. I'm jealous." Hermione whispered. The girl laughed. "Your as pretty as all the flowers in this garden." Hermione really focused on the garden as she said this. It had all sorts of flowers and a cobble stone path winding through it. It had a little archway decorated with fairy lights. Hermione realized she was sitting on a small stone bench that only fit two people. "Hermione, you are beautiful too. Very beautiful indeed. In your own special way, I must say."  The girl said. She blinked a couple of times then sighed. "Umm, where am I?" Hermione questioned. The girl laughed. "Your in your head. A dream. This," the girl swept her arms out gesturing to the garden, "is your head's way of telling you something. It's what you," the girl poked Hermione, "find beautiful." The girl giggled at Hermione's facial expression. "Now, it's time for you to go back. Your friends miss you." The girl whispered. "I never got to learn your name, what is it?" Hermione inquired thoughtfully. "Lily. Tell my son I love him." Lily Potter  smiled. Suddenly Hermione's vision went black.
Hermione opened her eyes to a blinding light and quickly shut them. She eased them open slowly. She saw a ceiling. A ceiling she knew all to well. She looked to the side to her to see a chair with Harry in it sleeping and Ginny sleeping at his feet in a pile of pillows. She looked to her other side to see two more chairs. One had Fred in it with Ella in his lap, her head resting on his shoulder, both sleeping. The other chair had George in it having half the chair  while Rory had the other half, also sleeping. Hermione let out a quiet chuckle. Her friends were so adorable. She sat up, immediately regretting her desicion. "Ahh!" Hermione winced and grabbed her head. She laid back down. Hermione looked over to Fred and Ella, feeling a tight sensation in her chest. What? Why was she feeling this? She wasn't jealous, right? She didn't like Fred! No, besides, everyone knew Ella still had a gigantic crush on Malfoy, except for Malfoy, and everyone knew he liked her. Fred and Ella were like siblings. Hell, they even looked the part. Fred would've done the same with Ginny. That made her smile. She nearly screamed when a familiar ginger jumped on to her bed. "Ginny Weasley! You scared me!" Hermione whisper shouted. Ginny giggled. "Sorry that you were to busy staring at my brother." Ginny giggled more as Hermione's face turned red. Did she like Fred Weasley? No, that was impossible! Maybe...

A/N: Hi, so share and like and comment and all that crap. Sorry it's short, I'm a crap writer, but there will be tons of chapters. So, love yall Fremione shippers. If you ship Dramione, just stop reading this and leave. Ahh, maybe I'll throw something in there for you, my lovelies. Yay! Hey, would you guys like to see a story about Ella or Rory? Or how about both? Comment and all that shit on what you would like to see.

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