Thinking About School (Literally The Worst Thought Ever Unless You're Hermione)

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It was the day of Harry's trial, and Hermione had nothing to do. So she sat on her bed, hanging upside down as she read a book. It was quite an interesting book, with information about the strangest potions. She had found it in the back shelves of Flourish and Bott's and picked it up because it was something she hadn't read.

"'Mione." Ginny chimed in. "What do you think you'll name your children? I really like the name Poppy for a girl. And for a boy... Keegan." she thought aloud as she sat with her legs crossed on her bed.

Hermione's response was automatic. She had thought about this many times. "For a girl Tabitha. For a boy Peter." She said without looking from her book. Ginny nodded.

"I'm not excited to go back to school." Ginny stated. Hermione closed her book, using her finger as a bookmark before she looked at Ginny.

"Why not? I love that place. It's full of new experiences. Plus you have Quidditch to look forward to." Hermione questioned. Ginny looked off into space and thought a bit before answering.

"Because I have to watch Harry drool over Cho Chang all year. And other than Quidditch and you, there isn't much for me. I'm not really good at school, I'm just decent." The ginger responded.

"Well come back just for me then. I promise we'll find something exciting for you to do other than Quidditch. Maybe a club? Or you can help me run SPEW!" Hermione looked at the ceiling.

"I guess." Ginny shrugged. "Maybe I'll help you with your love life." she smiled.

"W-What?!" Hermione sputtered. "My love life is fine! There is no need to fix it."

"Oh please!" Ginny guffawed. "Oh Fred!" she said in a high-pitched voice. "I love you so much!" Hermione chucked a pillow at her friend's head.

"I don't like Fred. Plus, I need to focus on my studies. I don't have time for boys unless they're fictional or have something to do with potions." Hermione held her book before going back to reading.

"Whatever," Ginny rolled her eyes. "You totally like Fred!" she exclaimed before the door opened, revealing a certain ginger.

"Am I interrupting?" Fred asked from the doorway.

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