Home At Last

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With all the recent events, I totally forgot it was the end of the school year. How I forget these things... I am so excited to see my mum and dad though! I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a peaceful summer. I could still try to enjoy it despite being worried about Voldemort being back and everything.

I sighed as I put the last shirt into my trunk and closed it up. I whipped out my wand and with a wave, my trunk was levitating. I walked out of my dorm and down the steps, my trunk close behind.  Everyone was basically down there, chatter floating through the air.

"Hey Hermione!" Dean waved at me. I naturally waved back. Ron walked up to me, Harry following him. They smiled at me sadly and I smiled back.  My hands found their way to the boys' hair and ruffled it.

"You guys are amazing." I laughed to myself, throwing my frizzy head back. "Did you guys go to the funeral?"

"Yeah," Ron nodded, "we didn't see you there, though." He scratched the back of his neck. I nodded.

"I didn't want to go. Too emotional for me." Ron and Harry flashed each other a look. Confusion washed over me. "What? What is it?"

"Hermione..." Harry started, avoiding my eyes. "Are you... ya know... having, umm... issues?" I looked over at Ron who had taken a sudden interest in his shoes.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"My eyes switched their gaze from one boy to the other. 

Fear washed over each male's faces. Finally, Ron leaned in and whispered in a fearful, hushed tone. "Feminine issues... apparently Ginny bleeds out of her lady parts every month. She told me every woman did that, and we wondering if that's what was the matter with you..." he leaned back to get out of my face. I looked at the boys with a blank expression. Suddenly, I burst out laughing.

"My period? You think I'm on my period?" I cracked up. My side hurt I was laughing so much. I had my hands on my knees as I laughed to help me stay up.

"W-what's wrong?" Harry stuttered, pure shock on his face. Ron looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"I am not on my period. Honestly. Stop making excuses." I whacked both of them upside the head. Harry's face reddened and so did Ron's ears.

"Come on you two, we're gonna miss the train." I grinned and ran out the portrait, my trunk following me. I knew the boys were following me too. I walked out the school and towards the train.

" 'Mione, are you sure your okay?" Ron asked.

I nodded "I'm sure Ronald," I said as I boarded the train. My trunk was taken from me and so was the boys'. They followed me into a compartment. I sighed and laid down.

"It sure has been a long year." Harry stated. I nodded in response. It sure has.

A/N: Surprise! A new chapter. I've been working on it little by little. I had some family business that I had to attend to for a few weeks, but here's your update.

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