Hospital Wings Filled with Gingers

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Hermione was walking with Ginny to the Great Hall. Hermione thought about her knew friends, Ella and Rory. Ella, amazingly, was a muggle born who was a third year Slytherin Beater. Rory was a fourth year Ravenclaw who hated Quidditch, but had a major crush on Roger Davies and was pure blooded. Ella had a younger brother named Will and Rory an older sister and older brother named Claire and Keegan. All of them Ravenclaws.  Hermione, deep in thought, didn't notice the staircase she was on moving, not until she was flung off the side. "Hermione!!!" Ginny screamed as she caught Hermione's arm. Hermione was half scared to death. Hermione knew Ginny couldn't hold on to her much longer. Hermione looked into Ginny's scared eyes.  She heard footsteps. "George, Fred! Help me!" Ginny cried. She heard more fkotsteps, but it was too late. Ginny's  hand had slipped and Hermione plummeted towards the ground, hearing people cry her name. Then she felt immense pain as she collided with something. Then her vision slipped and everything was black.
Fred's P.O.V.
I was walking with George talking about Quidditch when we heard screaming and crying. I quickly rushed to whoever needed help with George to find a familiar ginger haired girl holding onto something over the railing of a staircase. "George, Fred! Help me!" My little sister cried. I quickly rushed over to quickly see she was holding a person, but it was too late.  Ginny's  hand slipped and the bushy haired bookworm started falling towards the ground. "Hermione!" I screamed. I started rushing down the stairs towards her. I eventually found her, her body crumpled like a doll. I scooped her up in my arms princess style and carried her to the infirmary.  I looked down at her as I was walking. Her beautiful chocolate eyes were closed and her bushy brown hair was extra frizzy and had streaks of red blood in it. Blood trickled down the right side of her face. I quickly reached the infirmary, because I wanted to get her there as fast as I could. A surprised Madam Pomfrey took her as quick as she could and put her down on a bed, treating her immediately. I sat in a chair next to Hermione's  bed, my face buried in my hands. If only I a was faster, we wouldn't be here. I sighed and looked over to Hermione, who luckily, would live. I took a deep breath and the hospital doors slammed open and the army of gingers, Harry and Rory entered. "Oh my god!" Ginny squealed and ran over to Hermione with Ella and Rory at her side. The boys just surrounded the bed and watched the girls. "She's gonna live." I piped up. Ginny looked up at me. "Fred, did you bring Hermione here?" I nodded. "How?" Ginny inquired breathlessly. I shrugged, "Carried her." Ginny ran over to me and flung herself at me. "Thank you." Everyone watched us as we hugged. But it didn't matter, I would've done it anyways. Now, just to wait for the beauty to wake up.

A/N: Sorry for he short chapter here's some more character look a likes.


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