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Over 100 views!!! Woohoo!!! Thanks so much guys! I would like to thank a few people before I carry on. I would like to thank my best friend Melina, who told me all the time to get my shit together. I would like to thank my English teacher, for teaching me my passion for writing. I would like to thank Rory Phillips, who is also my best friend, who supported me the whole way through. And last, but not least, J.K. Rowling, who helped me find my love of reading and taught me even though I didn't have a magic wand, a pen could create the greatest magic in the world.

Anywho... thank you so much!!! Maybe I will stop writing until I get to 150 reads. I don't know. Share this with all your friends just in case!!! Thank you for reading this even though I am the shittiest writer ever. Love y'all!



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