Chapter 1: Just Moved In

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^Just Moved In^

Danae's POV:

Sunday Night.

      My feet stepped out the bus and I started walking to the apartment. Where my friend told me so. Lots of people were walking all the way to where their going and vice versa. I reach this big apartment and I click on the elevator. As the door slides open I walked in and saw a girl at my age.

"Hi. You live here?" She asked. Her blonde hair was swaying back and forth. New face.

"Yeah" I nodded. While clicking the 3 button inside the elevator and the door slides closed.

"I'm Holly by the way." She said smiling. While we both were staring at the elevator door.

"Danae." I nodded. And the elevator opens saying were on 3rd floor already.

"See you Holly" We exchanged waves and I stepped out of the elevator. On my way to Room 19. I open the door seeing Mikee arranging her closet.

"Where have you been?" She asked while I shut the door closed.

"Just down the street. I jog around." I said, putting my coat in it's right place.

"Bet tomorrow's another hard day?" Mikee opens the conversation

"Probably. Monday's are disgusting." I said in an irritated tone. I really hate Monday. The start of work day.

I jump on the bed. Burying my face on the pillow. Until a knock on the door has blurted.

"Mikee get it." I said.

"Busy." Mikee said back.

I groan as I stood up and twist the doorknob. A blonde hair was standing at our door.

"Holly?" I said.

"Oh Danae. Actually I just moved in here. So I'm guessing if you can taste the graham i made?" She offers her hands with grahams on it.

"Oh sure. Thanks." I get it and she smiles really wide, which I Gladly return.

"Come in." I smirked.

She shook her head, "No thank you. I need to fix my room anyway." She smiled again.

I nodded awkwardly. As she motions to go out. And I closed the door gently.


Me and Mikee were both staring at the graham Holly gave us.

"What If there's a poison in there?" Mikee said.

"Bad. Maybe she's just offering a food." I said.

"I don't trust her face." Mikee looks up then looks back at the dessert.

I get a fork from it's place and I started getting a piece of graham. Putting it in my mouth. "This is delicious" I smiled.

Mikee stares at me for a minute. But she also eat some. "Yeah you're right." She nodded as we finish the dessert that was on our table. All I can hear is the loud music from the television which Mikee didn't turn off for almost an hour. She suddenly walk back there.

"DANAE! DANAE! LOOK OVER HERE!" She exclaimed. More of fangirling i guess.

"What??" I ask while I walk to her holding the plate with a graham on it.

Mikee points at the television. And when I turn my head all I can see was the band called, 'One Direction' on our screen.

"1D!" I exclaimed too.

"They're so handsome! Especially him! Niall Horan! He's very cute!" Mikee said.

"Nah. Zayn is more handsome!" I said. "Okay turn off the TV Mikee." I said showing her that i'm not that interested in crushes and boybands and that.

And Mikee turns off the TV.



    Hey guys!  That's the first chapter. What d'you think? It's a bit short cause I definitely don't know how to start it yet. If you haven't read my first fanfic then I'll explain.

I'm updating every weekends because that's my only wifi time. But don't worry. Weekly update means many chapters. 3 chapters are minimum.

Okay? Okay. :)

--->  Flip for the next Chapter :)

-Jade xx

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