Chapter 9: Spotting Dusty

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^Spotting Dusty^

Harry's POV:

So 2 weeks I haven't seen Danae again. I just wanted to go visit her apartment. But I just can't. Dusty is there. He is her boyfriend. I'm hurt because I'm starting to develop my feelings slowly. I even saw how Dusty treats Danae. That was when he started shouting at her on the parking lot. I just want to run there and punch him in the face for shouting onto a girl. But that's impossible. Who am I to do that? I'm just her friend. Only a friend.

"Hey mate. Watcha' thinkin'?"  Louis cuts me off of my thoughts.

"Uh nothing. About the concert I guess." I smiled.

Louis sits beside me, "Is it Danae?" He asks. And I just nodded slowly.

"Well Harry you should stop your feelings. You know, she's taken and in love with his boyfriend." Louis said while nodding.

"Who says stop your feelings?! Fight for it! Don't listen to Louis." Niall entered while focusing on his phone.

"Man, She's taken." Louis looks at Niall.

"Who cares? You didn't know, maybe Danae loves Harry secretly." Niall still focusing on his phone.

"But she told Harry. She really loves Dusty." Louis said back.

"When you talk to your highschool crush, Will you actually tell your feelings in front of her?" Niall shakes his head. "Besides, A married person can be stole. And they're just boyfriends. What's the point of giving up?" Niall added.

"Niall's right Harreh. Fight for Love." Zayn entered while fixing his belt. I mean these boys actually never fail to make my day complete.

"Then go Zayn. You're on Niall's side now." Louis pouted like a 5 year old.

Niall just laughs, "Liam! Who's side are you on?" He asked.

Liam looks at all of us. "I'm the 'Versus' sign in the middle." He jokes.

Well I guess. I'll follow Niall's advice.

I started taking a bath and changing my outfit. It's my turn to buy some groceries for kitchen. Most probably, It was Liam who'll do that. But I'm in the mood. So I guess I could do it. I slipped on this gray shirt and black pants. Matching it with my signature white converse and a beanie to finish up my outfit. I shouted goodbye to the boys as I shut the door closed. I started walking to the parking where My black range rover is. Climbing up inside, I shut the door closed and drove off to a mall.

The whole driving thing was a bit quiet cause I am alone. When I reach the place, I pulled the car and started to put my ray bans on, Avoiding any paps to spot me. I immediately walk to the grocery station. My phone beeps as I received a message from Liam. Opening it, It's the list of what I'm going to buy.


When I'm done choosing what I need to buy. I pushed the grocery cart to the beverages to grab a bottled water. And push it back to the cashier line where will be paying. I waited for my turn and as the lady packed my groceries. She gave me my change. And I started grabbing it and walking back to the parking lot. Luckily, No one recognize me.

When I reach to my car. I immediately put the groceries at the backseat. And I heard noises coming from the other car next to mine. A sound of laughing, giggling and happy voices of a couple inside a car. I tilt my head to look who it was. And I saw a blonde girl kissing a guy who's sitting at the driver's seat. I saw their actions through their transparent mirror. As the blonde girl moves her head up, She suddenly saw me and the guy she was with, turn his head to face me too. It was shocking to see Dustin with a blonde girl. Well, He already broke up with Danae?

I was still staring at them. And I don't know what the hell why. Dustin, Raised his middle finger up to me as he place his jacket to cover his mirror. I know he didn't recognize who I was. A smile crept on my face as I walk inside the driver's seat. So Danae was single? That's right? I can go out with  her again.

I start the engine as I drove off. And thoughts about Danae was still running in my mind. I immediately took my phone from my pocket and dialed her number when I reach onto a red light. Few seconds, She answered finally.

"Hey Harry!" She said through the line. I could say she's happy in her tone.

"Danae, Well How are you?" I said back, smiling.

"Doing great." She said again.

As the lights go green, I started driving and place the phone between my head and shoulder.

"How's your life with Dusty?" I asked, knowing what she'll answer but instead I received a different respond.

"We're still good. Well, He's just out for work." She said through the line. It kept me thinking if that was really Dusty whom I saw. Well I can't be wrong. He's out with a girl and He says he's out for work.

"Harry?" Danae trailed me off of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah! I just asked how you were doing." I said in a fake happy tone.

"Haha. Okay. Thanks." The only words she spoked. Should I tell her about what I saw? But she'll just won't believe. That's her boyfriend.

"Okay bye Danae" I said back.

"B-bye Harry" She said happily. But before I end the call. She called my name.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I miss you." She said again and the line ends. I was frozed from what she said. Well as a friend okay. I immediately parked the car to the hotel. And grab the groceries and ran back to our suite. I walk in and saw the boys busy playing FIFA on the screen.

"Hey Harry, D'you bought my chips?" Niall asked as he was looking at me from the couch.

"I forgot it." I gasped.

"WHY?!" He frowns like his whole world fell down.

"Just kidding. Catch." I said while grabbing the chips and throwing it to Niall.

"Thank youu" He said happily.

And I proceeded to the kitchen kept thinking bout what I saw and what she said. Dusty is cheating?

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