Chapter 29: The Creeps

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^The Creeps^


"Stop it. Just stop it! Your making me insane!"

"I did! It's the second time! I'm not crazy!"

"Can you just quit it?! Keep that in mind that he already died!"

"I'm not even kidding! He looks so real and he's talking onto a lady. The lady's real!"

"Just because the lady's real doesn't mean he's real too! Your imaginations taking over you! Wake up! This is reality!"

"Mikee.. Listen to me! Why is it so hard to believe me?!"

"Oh because You keep on saying that you always sees a dead person! I'm sorry If I can't believe you.. Maybe your just..."

"Just what?"

"I hate to say this...."

"Just what?! Tell me what?!!!!"

"Danae, your seeing dead people."

"So? What are you pointing at? That I'm..?"

"Your insane! Your crazy! You keep on believing impossible stuffs!"

"But I am telling the truth!!"

"You know what? Go check your doctor. And just talk to me when you stop being numb."


"Sorry." And she hung up.

I throw my phone on the couch as I ran my fingers through my hair. I am not crazy, I did saw him. I did. I closed my eyes shut as I sat down on the couch. Pulling my knees closer to my chest.

Why they won't believe me? What if he's not really dead? What if he's totally alive?

I laughed at myself. I'm having bad thoughts. Maybe they're right.. I'm just insane. I just need my pills to stop thinking this stuffs.

I stood up and opened my drawer. Grabbing my medicines as I get a glass of water from the kitchen. I immediately gulp my medicine and drink the water.

I lean my hands on the table. Panting heavily.

Here they go again. Tears rush down my cheeks.

I'm not stupid. I saw him. He's breathing alive. He's happy with his life. He is not dead.

My thoughts were taking over me. I'm like talking to myself alone. I don't feel well anymore as I felt my stomach churn. I hate this.. I hate having thoughts about him. I hate seeing him even if it's an imagination. It makes go wild. I don't even know who I am anymore.

"Danae!! Ms. Danae!!" I rolled my eyes as I walk over to the door, swinging it open. Bald guy greets me. Oh Joy.

"John. What are you doing he-"

"Mr. Hutcherson called me.." He invited himself to walk in my room. I mean, How could he? "He told me that you are seeing this guy named Harry. Who is actually dead." He sat comfortably on my couch.

"Oh really? Well thank you but I think you should go now." I motion him to leave the room.

"I'm not going anywhere Ms.Danae.. Not until you tell me what happen to him, where did you saw him and what is he doing?" He intertwined his own fingers as he place it above his stomach. Looking directly at me.

"What are you? An investigator?" I laughed at him as I close the door. "For I know, you are only my lawyer and I don't even know where you came from."

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