Chapter 40: Why?

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Danae's POV:

Harry was delivered to the Emergency Room as soon as we arrived at the hospital. Liam is the person that I first called since his number is on the top of the list on my call logs.

I'm glad that there were people from our apartment who helped me to call the ambulance and help Harry.

"Danae! What happen?!" Liam's voice spoked behind me. I look around to see him and Niall with him.

"I.. I don't know." I practically ran onto Liam and hugged him tight. Crying on his arms.

"What happen to him really?" Niall asked.

Oh it's nothing. Your girlfriend just stabbed my boyfriend behind his back.

"S-somebody stabbed him at his back." I sobbed, not letting go from Liam.

"Shh. It's going to be okay." Liam reassures, rubbing my back. "Do you know who? Can you explain us everything?" He pulls me gently to sit on one of those waiting chairs.

Should I tell them that Mikee really do it? But despite all the things she's done, I don't want to bring this up and tell them it was her fault. Mikee is still my bestfriend. And maybe she had an excuse for this. I hope she had.

I nodded while pursing my lips together. Niall took a seat on my other side, knitting his eyebrows as they both wait for me to explain.

But I don't think I can tell this in front of Niall. I know he'll get hurt and he's not ready for this.

Before I can speak up again, Liam's phone beep and he grab it from his jeans pocket.

"Well, Zayn and Louis are already on their way here. I'll just wait for them outside." Liam stood up. But I quickly grab his hand to pull him back.

"Stay?" I asked. Liam's face contorted into confusion. I guess I just can't stay alone with Niall beside me. I just can't.

"Uh- Well..-"

"I'll wait for Zayn and Lou." Niall spoked, trailing Liam's unsure words. He stood up and put his hands in his pocket, walking on to meet the two boys on the entrance.

"You really should tell me everything." Liam mumbled, sitting down again, beside me.

I look over to see if Niall was still in sight. But now, His body just fades when he uses the stairs all the way down.

"It was Mikee." I quickly told Liam. More of a whisper.

"Yeah okay. So who stabbed Harry? Do you know?" He asked again, leaning his back on the chair.

"I just told you." I looked at him. Convincing him to believe me.

His eyes grew bigger as he slowly shake his head. "No" He looks away quickly, eyebrows were still knitted down. "Mikee? Mikee stabbed Harry? Is this some kind of a joke?" Liam let out a nervous chuckle.

"Liam no... It was her. I saw her."

"Don't say that. Just because you are getting jealous doesn't mean you can blame her for this. This is too much Danae. She is your bestfriend." He tried his best to calm himself.

"I wish I was just blaming her. But Liam, I saw it. It's her. It's her who do this. I force myself to think that it isn't Mikee. But whenever I think about the incident, Her face always shows up." I break down again, crying over and over again.

"You're lying." Liam shakes his head again. "How can a sweet innocent girl would do this? Mikee won't do such a thing." He convinces himself again. But I know that He already believed me that it's Mikee. He's just not accepting the fact.

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