Chapter 13: That Supermodel

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^That Supermodel^

Danae's POV:

Wednesday Afternoon.

          I was arranging my clothes because it definitely looks sick. At how my dress litter across the whole room, So i decided to clean the room with Mikee. Yeah she's here already. And Harry was out for tour. But he'll be back later on. Cause there was a small party gonna happen on Holly's room. Yeah you heard it, Her room.

Holly's a Supermodel. She was endorsing lots of famous brands of clothes. And she's perfectly fit for that. And what matters the most is She's going to have her own movie. And who's her leading man? None other than Harry. I don't even know why he accept that. He told me he hates her and that. I don't know what I'm feeling, But I kinda hate to see my bestfriend hanging out with different girls. You heard me, Different girls.

"So that's our last. You have to get ready for later." Mikee told me as she put the final box in it's right place.

"I'm not attending that party." I said back as I sat down on the couch.

"Why? There are lots of desserts. That's Holly. And Harry will be there." She said sitting down beside me.

"I don't care about desserts. I don't care about Holly either."

"But you cared for Harry right? He won't attend that party without you." She laughs sarcastically.

"Harry? Won't attend?! There's a lot of girls out there. I'm sure he can flirt with all of them!" I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Does Ms.Danae Bennett being jealousy right now?" She said fakely rubbing her eyes.

"I'm not jealous. Who says I am?"

"Action speaks louder than words" Mikee winks as she walks in the bathroom.

Me? Jealous? I am not.


Slipping on my jeans and simple top. I put on purple low cut converse. Well I'm gonna attend that party. I don't want them to think that I'm being  jealous or what. That's just a simple party after all. A simple get together.

Somebody starts to knock on the door.

"Danae Get It!" Mikee shouts from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I start walking there and opening the door. Only to be greet by a curly boy whose wearing a plain black shirt, black fitted jeans, with his converse and a bandana on his head. He was also wearing his paper plane necklace. His face was curve into a smile as he eyed me from head to toe.

"You ready Bennett?" He ask winking.

I slap his arms lightly, "Stop looking at me like that. I'm not comfortable." I laugh a bit.

"Shall we go?"

"No. I have to wait for Mikee."

"No! Imma wait Niall here too. We got different place to attend to." Mikee shouted.

Me and Harry just chuckled as I close the door shut and walks with him to the different room Holly was renting.

"So When will you shoot your first movie?" I open the conversation.

"Err- I don't know. I'm not that excited about that." He answers while scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, You agree to that. And Holly was really a sexy model." I smiled.

"I don't even know why I agree." He shrugs his shoulders as we stop our tracks in front of Holly's door.

"How insane of you Styles" I laugh at his face. And he just smiled a bit awkward.

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