Chapter 34: London's Eye

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^London's Eye^

Danae's POV:

He grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere. I was still holding my heels on my other hand as we arrived on the other side of the parking lot.

"So? What do we do here?" I asked, smiling.

He took off his hand of me and grab something in the dark. "You might need this.." He lends me a helmet as he smirked.

"A helmet? So?" I rose an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes chuckling.

He pull me even closer as he pull a key from his pocket and riding on a motorcycle in front of us. He started the engine as he put on his helmet.

"Oh no Harry.. I can't ride on that." I decline, laughing. My last ride on a motorcycle was the last time Harry brought me to the beach house. And that was years ago. I can't just ride on that vehicle, it's dangerous.

He groaned, "Oh come on Danae. You won't be able to see your surprise if you're not gonna ride with me here."

"We can use my car." I suggested.

"Or we can use this now." He corrected.

"No. I'm not riding on that." I spoked clearly while putting my arms crossed around my stomach. He just let out a deep sigh as he frowned, grabbing the keys from it's place and sadly taking off his helmet.

I rolled my eyes as I tilt my head up, closing my eyes. "Fine Fine. but just this once." I looked at him.

His sudden frown expression has turn into happy and hopeful one.

"Just this once." He smiled at me as He put on his helmet again.

I giggled once again as I drop my heels on the ground and ride behind Harry. I quickly wore my helmet as I hug him around his torso. I can sense his smirk right there as he started the engine once again.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, again.

"I told you.. You'll just find it out." He said once again as he drives away fastly. I take a strong grip around him as I feel the wind attacking my skin.

Anywhere. I'd go anywhere with him. When I was younger I never thought that Love can do such strong things. I thought Love is just loving a person simply. But it wasn't that easy. Loving a person that much can make your whole life change. You will do everything just to make them stay. You will risk everything because you really want him to be with you. I don't wanna lose him. I don't want him faraway from me. I don't know why. But they say, Love makes it all.

Harry stopped the engine at this bridge. I looked at him skeptically as my bare feet landed on the ground. We both took our helmets as we place it on the vehicle.

"So? What are we going to do?" I asked him.

He pull off his coat and place it on my shoulders. "Come on." He smiled at me. He holds my hand tight and started pulling me away.

Seconds later, we finally stopped. "You know that I love you right?" He asked me, putting his hands on my cheeks as he move closer.

I nodded in response.

He peck on my lips as he push his forehead against mine. "I love you." He peck on once again. "So much." And he kissed me passionately.

Raindrops started to fall on our heads as we both pulled back and looked up.

"I forgot to bring an umbrella." He stated, licking his lips and pursing it in a thin line.

"You really think of that huh?" I smiled, teasingly.

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