Chapter 21: Gentle Persuasion

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^Gentle Persuasion^

Danae's POV:

Once that i'm done playing Ken's piano and letting Harry hear his new composition, i mean Our composition. He decided to pull me back up to the guest room. That is our bedroom for now.

When we walked in. The messy look of the table, with crumpled papers are scattered all over it. I walk over there to clean it. And I just heard his laugh.

I turn around to look at him, "What?" I asked.

"You can clean that maybe tomorrow." He said, smiling.

"You'll still clean it tho." I roll my eyes and turn my head back to the table.

Once that I already put all the mess in the trash can. Harry's arm snakes from my back to my waist. Silence occurred between us, I can even hear his breathing.

We stay like there for minutes. And he turns me around to face him. Scanning through my face, up and down.

"Are you sure he didn't hurt you?" He asked. I was a bit surprise that he can still remember that.

I nodded, smiling.

He smiled back weakly. He runs his thumbs over my cheek that causes me to close my eyes, and feel the tingle of his touch.

Seconds later, I felt his warm lips planted on mine. Moving my head to the side to keep it in sync. Then he lowered down and wraps his arms around my knees and pull me up on the table, making me sit on it, without breaking the kiss.

I straddle on his waist and he puts his hands on my back, pushing it against his body. His lips trails over my neck as he bites it, 2nd this time. Actually, I can still feel the pain he did on my neck and then he do another one. But I actually don't mind it. I enjoyed it.

"Can I?" He asks uncompletely.

"Mm mm." I nod in agreement even tho I didn't know what he'll actually do.

His arms takes a hold under my knees and he lifts me up again. Kissing me on my neck as he makes his way to the bed, Putting me down gently. I slide up to the upper part of the bed as he moves up upon me. He straddle his knees beside my thighs and continue kissing me. I can even feel his touch on my neck and the other one on my waist. Me, holding his back and pushing it against me.

His lips once again started kissing me on my neck. And that snaps me that I shouldn't be doing this. That I can't do this. My family would be so dissapointed in me. I can actually picture their faces when they found out about this, And I don't wanna see them like that.

I stare at the air as Harry continues what he's doing. And suddenly stops.

"Hey are you okay?" He moves up a bit to face me.

My lips parted but then nothing came out. My head just automatically nods at Harry. I don't even know what's happening.

He now, kissed on my collarbone. His hand slides down at the hem of his shirt that I am wearing and slowly sliding it up.

"Wait, stop" I said, trying to get his attention.

"Yeah, I love you too." He speaks against my skin. He heard it. He just pretended that I was saying 'I Love You', And didn't heard the real words.

The shirt continues moving up. And the feeling was getting hot.

"Harry!" I semi-yelled as I push him off me a bit. Making him stop. He looks at me with an irritated face.

"What?" His eyebrows started to knit. He looks so annoyed.

I sit up and lean my back on the headboard. And he still keeps in place, over my thighs.

"I don't think I can do it." I explain then look down at my hands.

He frowns then nods moments later. He moves away and makes himself comfortable at my right side.

"I'm sorry" Is all I can manage to say. I know how he wants to do it with me. And I want it too. I'm so eager to touch him, But I'm not ready yet. This isn't the right time.

"It's okay" He said in a normal tone as he moves his body to face the wall. Turning his back on me.

I feel bad that Harry has been interrupted by his moves. But then glad that I actually stopped him.

A loud knock burst at our door making us jump a bit.

"Harry!!! You should see the news! Heyy open this.." Ken keeps on tapping the door as me and Harry automatically plays scissors and papers. Our fists bumps as his hand crumples, and my hand opens wide. He groan at the point that I won. A playful smirk spread across my lips and he stood up to open Ken, who seems so impatient.

"What news?" Harry asked as Ken appears on the door. I move up with my elbows on the bed for support.

"Come on!" Ken quickly say and he walks off downstairs.

Harry looked at me puzzled. And I shrug my shoulders. He tilt his head to the side, motioning me to come over. And I obliged.

When we both walk downstairs. Ken was standing in front of the television, And Tom were sitting on the couch holding a pack of ice on his head. He smiled at me nicely, then Harry wraps his arms around my waist. I look up at him and he glares at Tom as if saying, 'she's mine'.

We both stood there beside Ken. And looked at the TV. Peppa Pig was on the tv show actually.

Me and Harry laughs uncontrollably.

"What the heck Ken? You were knocking on our door and eagerly asking us to go down here just to watch a cartoon called, Peppa Pig?", Harry states while chuckling. And I can't help but laugh with him.

"No no, That's not what I want you guys to see." Ken shakes his head, still serious watching the tv show. Until Peppa Pig ends, and News showed up.

"Harry Styles of One Direction is leaving the band? In our interview with the 4 band members except Harry. They told us that they doesn't know where Styles is. We asked them if he already left, and Louis Tomlinson answers "yes, He's not a part of it anymore". It was very dissapointing that-"

"Wait what?!" Harry growls through the TV, making the whole room echo.

"That's what I'm talking about Harry. Did you left them behind?" Ken asks as he turns off the TV.

He chuckled, "That's a dumb act. I never plan on leaving, I just go far away because my girlfriend needs me."

I frown at the point that he goes with me. I mean, I felt sorry. I feel it's all my fault after all.

"Maybe we should go back. And you talk to Lou?" I entered. My legs shivering.

"Then you'll stay at Mikee's place?" He asks calmly.

"No. At our home." I smiled so weak.

"No way. You said you needed space?" He asks.

"Just drive me back home. Please."

I think that that's the only way to make it all clear. He needs to talk to the boys, They can't just do that, to make Harry leave the band. And I feel better now. So I think I'm ready to explain everything to my family.

But Something's still... wrong.







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