Chapter 11: Let's Clear It Up

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^Let's Clear It Up^

Danae's POV:

Saturday Morning.

I started groaning due to what the unnaturally light from the sun gives me. I slowly open my eyes only to see Mikee opening the curtains.

"Wake Up Sleeping Beauty! Your prince charming are on his way here." She spoked with a happy tone.

I slowly rub my eyes as I stood up from the bed and proceeding to the bathroom sink, washing my face.

"Don't tell me your in a hangover. What are you feeling?" She asked as she place her right hand on her waist.

"Feeling sick." I said as I vomit on the sink.

"Oh my gosh! Your pregnant?!" She spoked in shock. And I started glaring at her as She puts her hands up in surrender.

"Okay sorry! Just go and eat something. I'll be in the living room." And she walks out of my room as I grab my towel and wipe it on my face. I didn't remember what happen last night. All that I know is that I caught Dusty with another girl. Which ruins my day.


I got out of a convenient store and started walking to a laundry shop to pick up our clothes. Sunny day covered my view. People were happily doing their own businesses. When I got to the shop. I pick up our clothes and started walking back home. Until I saw Dusty with a blonde haired girl, laughing with each other. walking to my opposite way from the sidewalk.

His eyes locked in mine as I smiled to him and the girl he's with. And the three of us stopped at our tracks.

"Where have you been?" I smiled knowing that he's with his client maybe.

Dusty looked at me surprisingly as the girl turned her head to me while raising her eyebrow. "Uhh work." Dusty answered.

I smiled at him as I pull out my hand to the lady. "I'm Danae. And your suppose to be Dusty's client? Am I right?" I smiled again.

The lady stares at my hand and back to my face. "Wrong. I'm Eve, his fiance." She answered. As the smile on my face fades out. I look back at Dusty knitting my eyebrows.

"Let me explain" He said. And I can't control my feelings. I slapped him right in his face. As the ring on my middle finger hits his cheeks. He just looks down. Whispering "Sorry".

I don't know what else to do. I just shake my head and run back home. But then I tried to go to the bar. And maybe,, Maybe it'll help me.


I walk out of my room and proceeded to the kitchen. Grabbing a cereal and putting it in a bowl. While pouring the milk, I heard someone walks in our room.

I sat down on the chair as I eat my somewhat called breakfast. Until Harry arrives with 2 Starbucks on his hand. He place it on the table gently as he sits on the opposite chair.

"How are you?" He asked showing his concern.

"What are you doing here? Did Mikee called you?" I asked.

"I did not!" I heard Mikee shouts from the living room.

He just chuckles and smiled. "It's a long story Danae. Should I tell you?"

"I wanna know" I said chewing my food.

"Well, I was on my way to the bar. And I saw you there. So I drive you home." He nodded.

"You mean.." I gulp my food as I point him my spoon. "You're the one I'm with last night?"

"Something like that" He answers while grabbing the 2 coffees handling me the other.

"Y-You didn't--" I look at my body then back at him. "Don't you?" Putting a cereal on my mouth again.

"I didn't. But you did. Gosh, You are so seductive last night." He smirked, taking a sip from his coffee. As I spit the cereal on his face.

"What did I do?!" I semi-shouted. As he mumbles 'shit', wiping his face.

"You started kissing me. And taking my shirt off." He answers slightly annoyed due to what I did on his face.

"Your joking right?!" I asked again. And he shook his head.

My eyes widen. "W-We had?" I take a deep gulp as I put down my bowl of cereals.

"We didn't. You were forcing me to touch you. But I didn't do it. I can't do that. Who do you think am I?" He said while standing up and started washing his face on the sink.

"Thank goodness holy mother of yeah!" I sigh in relief. "What else did I do?" I asked again.

He made his way back to his seat and continued drinking his coffee. "Like shouting in the bathroom and calling me a 'pervert'. Also jumping on bed and watching cartoons. Putting a pizza on my mouth."

"Sorry" I whispered biting my lower lip. "T-That's embarassing!!" I said slapping my cheeks slightly.

"Don't Be. That's just me. So can you explain me everything? Like how you get drunk like that?" He stares at me seriously.

And I started talking.. "Well..."


"Let's clear it.." Harry said while fixing his curls. He looks damn hot. "Dusty cheated. And you were like the other woman?"

"Yeh" I nodded as tears falls down.

"That jerk! I thought he loves you?!" He asked.

"That's what I thought too." I start sobbing.

"Let him be! He don't deserve you either. He fits for that blonde." Harry talks like a father.

"How'd you know she's blonde?" I wipe my tears away.

"Well I kinda saw them at the parking lot yesterday too. They're kissing and all." He said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Harry!" I start attacking him with a hug as he wraps his arms around.

"Just cry it out. You can move on." He said tapping my back.

"What If I can't?"

"There's a lot of guys around. Maybe just near you. Take time, Try to love again?" He said slowly.

"I don't think so."

"Well, Why don't you come with me? Let's hang out again. Less drama." He smiled changing the subject.


A/N: Sorry sorry for the short update. Welp, I'll cope up as I said. views won't gain! xD . Doesn't matter, I'm updating for my lovely readers.

-Jade xx

Ooh check out my other fanfic  

--> World Of Chances [One Direction]

Thanks. Ilysm :*

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