Chapter 35: Strange

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[2 Weeks Passed]

Tuesday Evening.

         Harry drove me back home after all the preparation for our upcoming wedding. We're not done with our plans but we're almost finished. I got back to my apartment. When I open the door I heard Mikee mumbling something from the kitchen. I walked slowly closer to hear it clearly.

"No.. Who do you think am I?! I'm not going to do that! Well, I'm not like you.. Why am I going to obey you?? Are you damn- What?! No! No way!! Yeah, she is my bestfriend! I can't do that! Okay??"

And a seconds of silence...

"Nooo! Nooo! Why are you doing this to me? Why me?!" She almost yelled.

My eyebrows knit together as I walk near her. "Mikee? Who's that? What's happening?" I quickly asked in concern.

She looked at me with wide eyes as she wipe her almost falling tear. "I- I'm gonna call you back. Okay Mum I love you." She said before hanging up the phone.

She put her phone down as she smiled at me, walking away to grab a glass of water.

"What happen?" I asked again.

She drank her water as she put it on the counter. "Oh nothing.. Mum was just... you know.. uhm.. Planning to.. make me go back to our home." She stated, her back still facing me.

"Really?? Aren't you happy for that? You always wanted to see them. And you almost shouted." I told her.

She turned around me, "It- It was nothing. Some family problems." She shuckled lightly and purse her lips together. "I.. I gotta go."

"Well, where are you going? Isn't it 11pm? You should stay here."

She quickly grab her phone and purse and put on her coat. "No.. I'm going to Niall. I have to show him something." And she immediately slip in her boots.

"Okay? Just take care." I called out before she even slam the door shut.

I don't know what's got into her. She never act like this in front of me. She's like, hiding something.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I do my daily ritual and started waiting for Harry on the living room. It's their break, and we're doing all of our plans before he got back to work.

I looked around for Mikee but she isn't here. Maybe she stayed the night at Niall's. I drink my coffee while watching the morning show. Until my ringing tone blurted.

I swipe the answer key without looking who it was.


"Hello Danae?" It's Niall.

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