Chapter 33: New Change

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^New Change^

Danae's POV:

My eyes slowly open as I feel the cold breeze on my face. And that familiar smell that I actually hate. I woke up, seeing myself in a white and neat room. Me, wearing an eerie gown as I saw someone sitting beside me, leaning his head on my bedside. Those familiar curls.

I run my fingers through his hair as a smile crept on my face. He really waited and stayed by my side.

He carefully move his head up as he saw me, looking at him.

"Y- your awake." He stated, sitting up. As I put my hand back on my stomach.

"I am." I smiled at him.

"How are you feeling? Are you still hurt?" He said in concern.

"No no.. Don't mind me. I'm perfectly fine." I smiled again, trying to reassure him.

"Are you sure?"

"I am." I said again. He smiled weakly at me as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Gonna change my clothes. Well-" He looked down at his shirt and back at me. Seeing his shirt has blood stains, makes me frown.

"Is that.. mine?" I asked again.

"No, this is my shirt."

"I mean, the blood?"

"Well, yes." He frowned back. "I'm like in a hurry so I carry you all the way here. Louis and Niall are in the other room with Liam. Zayn is talking with the police. And Liam immediately called your family and Mikee for what happen.. So they're on their way here." He smiled at me, showing those wonderful dimples.

"And Josh?"

"He's in jail, as I expected." He nodded, confirmly.

Before I could even answer him. The door burst open, and my family hurriedly came in. Concern expressions were covering their faces.

"Danae, how are you?" Mum asked almost with teary eyes.

"I'm fine mum." I smiled at her. "It's just a bullet in my stomach and I'm sure the doctors had already took it away."

"We thought you and Josh were just talking about your fling. But, what happen is worst." Mikee stated, almost facepalming.

"I know.. I know there's something wrong about that Josh. I told you Danae to think about it." Dad entered.

"I did Dad. That's why I didn't marry him." I recalled again.

"Oh my gosh!" Mikee exclaimed. "H- Harry?? Oh my gosh! Liam's right. Y- you are alive. Danae's right. Harry!" Mikee hugged him tight as he chuckled and hugged back.

"Liam told us you save our daughter. Thank you Harry." Dad smiled at him.

Harry smiled in response as Mikee pulled back from the hug.

"I'm so happy your there! I thought you die but I am so overwhelmed that you still came to our lives.. I don't know what would happen to Danae without you." Mum told him, she's crying now.

"I told you mr. and ms. Bennett..." Harry started but cutted off by my parents.



Harry lowly chuckled again. "Mum, Dad... I told you that I will protect your daughter. And I will come back for her. I'm so sorry because I had been-"

Dad cutted his sentence again. "No, I understand you son. I know what you've been through is difficult. You don't need to explain. Some words are easy to understand even though it is not spoken." He genuinely said. I don't even know where Dad got those words. He's intelligent at times.

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