Chapter 17: Famley Problem

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A/N: Uhh Hi readers.. Just wanna say that this chapter contains Drama. Well, Story won't be complete Without Drama right? Hope you like it. :D


^Famley Problem^

Danae's POV:

Wednesday Morning.

       I groan a bit as I feel the sunlight attacks my skin. And there's my phone ringing and vibrating at the same time. I look around to look for Harry, And he was peacefully sleeping beside me.

I slid the answer key.


"Honey, We're on our way there."

"Well, you guys just left the house?" I started rubbing my eyes.

"No. I think we just arrived."

My eyes widen bloodshot. As I ran to the window and there's a cab stopped at the front of the apartment. Three people goes down. And I was right, Mum, Dad and My brother was already here. I looked at the clock and it says, 8:57 am .

"Oh Honey, What's your room number again?"

"Oh bye mum!" I quickly put the phone down. Not giving my room number to Mum so that it will take long for them to find it. Bad girl, I know.

"Harry! Wake Up!!" I shake Harry nervously.

"Yeah?" He wokes up.

"Get dressed and leave the apartment rightaway!" I pointed somewhere as my breathing comes faster.

"What? Why?" He rubs his eyes.

"Just Do It! My parents will visit here now."

His eyes widen as he stares at the air. "You mean now?" He asked.

"They just got down from the cab in front of the apartment." I said quick.

"What the Hell" He cursed and he quickly grab his clothes and put them on. While I was watching him, He smiled at me. I gave him a what-are-you-looking-at look.

"You look so bloody nervous." He chuckled.

I sigh deeply, "Just leave now." I shook my head as I stood up and walks to the kitchen. Yep, Giving me a messy look all over the room.

"MIKEE!!" I shouted as I heard a person rolled down from her bed. And Mikee's door opened as she looked at me, shocked.

"What?! What is it?! What happen?!" She asked.

"Help me clean the whole room."

"What? Now? It's too early you know." She yawned.

"My parents will be here in a minute."

"Oh your parents... Y-YOUR PARENTS?!"

"Yeah yeah." I groan.

And then she started cleaning the living room as I clean the kitchen.

"Babe! Where'd you put my shirt?" Harry called.

"At the cabinet." I called back.

"I can't see it!" He yelled.

"Ugh!" I walk inside my room and proceeded to the cabinet and hand him his shirt.

"Thank you" He smiled and puts it on.

I pushed him to the door. As Mikee was busy cleaning the place.

"Wait. Where's my kiss?" He asked.

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