Chapter 14: Her Flaws

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^Her Flaws^

Danae's POV:

Monday Morning.

         My phone beeps that considers as my alarm clock. I groan a bit as I put my hand in my drawer, finding that solid rectangular shape.

I open one eye as I slid the answer key.


"Good Morning Ms.Beautiful" That husky voice that I really wanted to hear when I woke up.

"Good Morning" I smiled even tho he can't see it.

"How's your dream about me?" He chuckled a bit.

"Yeh. You're still naked" I laugh sarcastically.

"You mean whole body?" He ask.

"No. Only shirtless." I answered.

"Huge Relief. I'm not ready to show you the real me yet." I can sense he's winking on the other line.

"Oh shut up." I said back and he just laugh in response.

"Oh yeah. We'll be going out tonight okay? Wear something sexy."

"Where are we going?" I started sitting on my bed and rub my eyes.

"You'll See."

"Ooh Tell meee!" I whine like a Little kid.

He chuckled again, "It's a surprise. You'll just find out."

"Okay fine. Pick me up eh?"

"Will do. 7 is fine right?"

"7 sharp. Don't be late Styles"

"I won't. Okay I love you"

"I love you too. Bye" And there, we hung up.


I walk out of the bathroom. And got change into my simple jeans and shirt as I walk to the kitchen. Only to find Mikee eating her pancakes with Niall.

"Good Morning Danae!" Niall greeted with a full of pancakes in his mouth.

"Whatcha' Doing Here?" I point a finger at Niall as I sit on the available chair.

He swallow his foods, "Mikee invited me." And he smiled.

I smiled teasingly. Like how spongebob smiles with his eyes small. I look at Mikee and back at Niall. "Are you two together?"

"No!" They both shout in defense. Like how Harry and I shouted when Niall enters the room.

"Really?" I smile even more. Moving my head closer to Mikee.

"Really." Mikee said as she looks at her plate.

"Really Niall?" I look at Niall. Smiling even more.

"Really?" He looks at Mikee. Face looking unsure.

"Promise?" I traveled my eyes to Niall and Mikee again and again. Not breaking the smile.

"It Was Niall!" Mikee stood up and points Niall.

"Me? It was You! You want it! I asked you!" Niall stood up too.

"You insist me!" Mikee puts her hands on her waist.

"I insist you? Wow! You want it too. Don't be naive." Niall crossed his arms.

"It's you Niall It's you!" Mikee said again.

And I just watch them. I laugh so hard with matching clap on my hands.

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