Chapter 38: Misinterpret

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"And then what happen?"

"He lied to me. He fucking lied to me. How can he.... damn!" I curse inside Liam's car while I continued to cry.

Liam grabs something from the backseat as he places a box of tissue in front of me and he continues to drive.

"Maybe he was with Niall. Or maybe Niall was in the bathroom." He told me. I know Liam that much, that he is trying to make everything calm.

I grab a lot of tissue as I sneeze on them. And I can see Liam's face cringe. I know it's embarrassing but I have to do it. And I don't care if I'm crying in front of Liam, in his car, while having drama because of my Fiance.

I glare at Liam as I grab my phone from my mini bag. I quickly dialed Niall's number. I can barely read his name, my eyes has been covered with tears.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked.

I didn't bother to answer him back. I put my phone on my ear, and Niall picks them up.

"Danae who is-" I shh Liam to make him stop. He's been asking too many questions.

"Hello Niall?" I sobbed.

"Hey Danae. And what happen to you? Are you crying?" How can he find that out simply? Oh maybe because of my tone of voice. I can't stop stuttering. The lump in my throat is still there. I can't stop crying.

"Are you with Harry?" I asked. Not minding his questions on me.

Before even Niall speak back. I put the phone on speaker as I let Liam to hear it.

"Why would you ask?" Niall asked back.

"Just answer me." I told him, avoiding some hint of anger in my voice.

"No. He suppose to be with you right?" Niall said back.

Liam looks at me, then back at the driveway. I end the call immediately when I heard what Niall said. I drop the material at the backseat as I continue to cry.

"Shh shh.. Maybe Harry was just talking to Mikee with some important reason." Liam reasures again. He's good at this.

"Yeah and she needs to hold his hand tight. She holds my Harry's hands!" I can't believe i'm doing this in front of Liam. But I have no one to spill this out with.

"Hey hey.. Maybe she was just.."

"Stop it! Stop being optimistic! I saw the both of them." I can feel that the box of tissues might be empty in any time sooner.

Liam sighed as he park the car next to their somewhat called home. I insist him to bring me here. Because I don't want to be at the apartment. I know Harry would be there. And Mikee... I cringe at the thought between them. It's not what I have thought in my whole life. Not even think a single of it.

Liam guides me to their room while rubbing his hands beside my arm. He's such a great friend. I'm happy that he's the one that I called when I saw that damn scene.

He opens the door slowly as silence meets us.

"Do you want some coffee?" He asked me as he put his boots beside the coat stand.

"Yes please. Thank you." I'm so glad that my drama drama act has been lessen. Or maybe i'll disturbed some people outside. And that is what I don't want to happen.

"Suit yourself." Liam smiled at me while walking to the kitchen to make me some coffee.

I sat on one of the couch as I stared at the wall, continuing to replay what I saw in my mind. How can they do that to me? I know I have been overreacting about this. But if there's nothing between them, then he wouldn't lie to me right? I hate it. I hate seeing them happy. I hate seeing him happy and i'm not the reason.

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