Chapter 30: Tryna Be Okay

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^Tryna Be Okay^


I paced around my room insanely. Is that really him? I am not imagining things. I saw him, I heard him, I felt him. He's alive. I think he had an amnesia or something. Maybe I could just go with it. I'll pretend I didn't know him? But that's crazy. He knows me. I know he do. But what happen?

I grab my coat once again. Walking out of the hotel. I'm thinking of calling Mikee and telling her all about this. But she's angry at me. And she'll just tell me that I am crazy. So, I decided against it.

"Where are you going?" Familiar voice talked to me again.I turn around to see him, walking further.

"I just wanted to walk." I lied. Truth is, I'm going to find him. But now he's here.

"Walk? In the middle of the night? Are you insane?" He laughed at me. I miss seeing him like this. I miss him.

"No. I'm dead serious." I stood up for myself.

"Well, I'm not gonna let you walk alone lady." He shake his head as He walks beside me. "Not gonna let you harm."

"But we just met earlier and-"

"I don't know you either." My heart sinks. What the hell is he talking about? He knows me! "Just wanted to protect you. Is all." He told me nonchalantly. As In it's really normal to him.

"Protect me? Why?" I looked up to him. Damn that jawline. He still looks so hot.

"Don't know. Let's say that.. I'm just so gentleman in my way." I smiled at his words.

"So.. You are walking where?" He asked, looking me into the eyes.

"I don't know. I'm just new here."

"See? Your gonna walk alone and you don't know where your going." He playfully shake his head as he chuckled.


"... Gretchen is kinda a sister to me. We're just so close." He told stories to me. About his life that I barely know.We were just spending our time on the park. Yeah park at night. I miss having this with him, even if we're both being stupid of not knowing each other.

"So.. You left One Direction?" I asked curiously. I know he didn't. And never will. But I don't know now.

"Kinda." He shook his head lightly.


"It's my own decision actually. I just have to."

"How did you move to Seattle?"

"I grew up here. I'm just used being around here." He got to be kidding. He grew up in london. Not here."Oh. Why aren't there fans fangirling over you? I mean, you're Harry Styles right?"

He lightly chuckled while shrugging his shoulders, "I don't know. They act weird sometimes. But you know? There are people at times who'll ask me for a picture or whatever."

"And you act nice to them right?"

"Of course. as i said, I'm gentleman in my own way." He winked.

"I know it's awkward to ask this but..."

"Just ask."

"How many girlfriends have you got?" I asked, biting my lower lip.

"I guess 5?" Correct.

"Oh. who are they?"

"Felicity, Cara, Caroline and Taylor."

"And the last one?"

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