Chapter 49: Nothing Can Come Between (Last Chapter)

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Uhm.. I've been listening to You And I while writing this chapter. So I hope you too! :D You can play the music from the media section. It's a piano version of You And I. I tell ya' that it's more amazing to read this chapter while hearing the song. ;) And a friend of mine put some Hanae photos so that she can give her YAI edit for the last time. I will be having my last Author note the next chapter. But here's the last one for the story. So yep. Here ya go! :D


^Nothing Can Come Between^


Danae's POV:

[After 9 years]

"So.. what did your teacher say?" I asked her.

"She said that I was so good at playing piano and violin! I even told her that you teach me how to do it Mum." She ran to me and hugged me so tight.

"Alright alright. Surprise Daddy then." I hugged her back and I can't help but smile.

Hannah Anastasia B. Styles. That was her name. She was now nine years old and so in love of dancing ballet and playing classical instruments like, Piano and Violin. I don't know what Harry taught her. But I know, we raised her very well.

A loud knock burst on the door.

"Could you get it please?" I asked Hannah while I walked over to the living room checking if Drew is awake. Drew. Yes, Drew.

Hannah ran to the front door and grab the doorknob. Until I heard..

"Aunt Mikee!" She exclaimed.

"Hey Little lady! Where's your mummy?"

"Inside. How was Baby Josiah?"

"She was a bit okay now. Her fever is gone."

"Great to hear it! She'll play with Drew but.. Drew is still asleep."

After hearing their little conversation. Mikee walks into the living room while Hannah closed the door. She was holding Josiah on her right hand.



She walk over to me as we hugged each other. Never see this coming though. After years of being together. We'll still be bestfriends. And nothing could change that.

"How are you?" She questioned.

"I'm Okay! We are so over reacting. We just saw each other the last day." I laughed and she chuckled too.

"Wait why did Drew fell asleep? He should be awake at this time right?"

"Oh yeah. He was waiting for Josiah to come. Until, he fell asleep." I nodded while looking to the little boy on the sofa. His curls was on the pillow and I know he got that from his father.

"He really looks like a little version of Harry." Mikee looked at him and back at me.

"And probably, Josiah is a girl version of Niall." I smiled, kneeling down and pulling Josiah in a hug.

"Aunt Danae. I don't look like Daddy. I look like Mummy." She defended. We're always like this. Telling this little girl that she looked like Niall and she will correct me that she looks like her mum. Even if she really looks like Niall.

"Alright alright. You look like Mummy okay?" I smiled at her once again. And she smiled wider.

"But baby, you look like Daddy." Mikee told her and her little daughter frowned and pouted. As she shakes her head.

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