Chapter 41: Flashbacks And Opinion

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^Flashbacks And Opinion^


Mikee's POV:

*Continuation Of Flashback*

When I reach the street of what that Jerk texted me. His black porsche was waiting on the corner. His lights opened, signalling that he was there..

I took a deep breath as I walk on near. Mikee you should stop. Turn around and walk away. But your family, they don't deserve to be hurt like that. I'm confused. This is confusing and yet scary at the same time.

The car door unlocked as I open it slowly and sit on the passenger seat.

I look to see who is the guy. And I am not believing who I'm seeing.

"I'm glad you came." He smirked. Arranging his beanie.

"Why you-"

"Shh shh." He stopped me at my sentence by covering my mouth. "I know that you already know why I'm doing this. But this isn't my idea." He stated as he looses the grip on my mouth.

I quickly put his hand down in disgust. "Why can't you just leave them alone?! They will get married soon Josh!" I practically shouted inside of his vehicle.

"Would you shut up?!" He shouted back. And I don't know why I encounter this fear feeling.

He ran a hand through his hair. "I.. I admit that I want to do this. I want to kill Harry out of Danae's life but-"

"Well I know you want. You always want to ruin lifes." I mumbled under my breath.

"Would you let me speak?!" He looked at me again. And I just look away.

"This isn't my idea. Yes, I'm a bad person and I'm desperate to get Danae back but Killing people isn't my thing."

"Then why are you forcing me to kill Harry?!" I screamed again.

"It wasn't me!! If I had known this at first? I would stop it!"

"It wasn't you? You just called me!"

"I didn't called you. Try to remember that voice on your phone and my voice now. It was an exact opposite!" He shouted back. Why is he lying? It was him to called- No.. It wasn't Josh. It's not his voice.

"See?! Thank God you realized!" He tap his hands on the steering wheel.

"So who was it?"

"I can't tell."

"What was it?!!!"

"I don't want to speak!!" He yelled, again. Then our breathing was the only sound. Until he speak again, "You need to kill him before even their wedding. You should find your own stragety on how to kill him."

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I shake my head momentarily.

"Same." He agreed with me. I don't know If I should trust Josh or not. But I think he's right this time.





I tried to kill Harry for a numerous times but I can't do it. And when we go out just to have a coffee. I thought I can do it this time. But when I look at my back I saw Danae watching Harry as he walked away with his phone that which informs me that it's a bad timing to do my Illegal act.

The apartment where I always act strange. I was always crying, every night of every second of everyday. Praying that it was just a joke. But I always wake up in the morning and realizing that it's not a joke but reality.

Whenever I'm trying to ask Josh on who is the real boss in killing this innocenr guy, Josh wouldn't speak up and always told me that, You will know him soon.

That day when I stabbed Harry. Josh showed up and he kind of signalling me that he'll be at the parking lot when I needed back up or when I failed on doing it. But I did it. I stabbed him. And I don't know what I'm gonna do if he is not okay right now.

It was kinda frustrating. But all that I'm thinking is Danae. Because I don't know if she will still forgive me. After all this time, I was her bestfriend and she isn't expecting this kind of scene. And what matters most is she saw who stabbed his fiance, and It was me.

Niall. I'm thinking on how to explain this to him. Will he forgive me too? But I will understand if he won't. I just tried to killed his bestfriend. And it was me, the suspect.

Harry. He's been so nice to me. As my bestfriend's boyfriend, He never fail me on loving Danae. He is willing to help me when me and Niall are in a fight. He doesn't deserve this. He's a good person. He will be a great father. He will be a faithful husband. But I tried to get that opportunity away from him. By attempting to kill him.

I don't know what I'm gonna do after all of this. If Harry is dead, then Danae would suffer and She will blame me, and walk away from me. And I'm gonna be put in jail. The boys won't accept me and the fans will truly hate me. If Harry is alive, then it was kind of a sort relief. But it will never be the same. They will know the truth, And i'm still gonna be put in jail.

I wish I could just ran over them and tell them the whole truth. But My family's life is in danger. People's lives is in my hands. And there's nothing I could do but to make one of them suffer.

I wish it was all a dream.

A bad bad Nightmare.







  Sorry it's short but it's just Mikee's Point of view of what she had done. I wish you wouldn't hate her. And thanks for giving comments, It was so overwhelming that you like my story so far. I'll update sooner. (: ily all! <3 xxx

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