Chapter 28: Arrived

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Danae's POV:

I was riding on a cab all the way to my hotel room. I just arrived to Seattle from my flight. It was a bit nasty. I'm not used on having long trips, especially on airplanes. But here I am, succesfully arrived. I'm having a jetlag though.

I was looking around the place and it was so neat and amazing. It has a welcome sign that reads: Welcome To Seattle. I'd be here for I think, a week or 2. My papers is not that easy to fix. It takes time.

I immediately grab my phone from my jean's pocket and swipe it to off the flight mode. And then, seconds later... Josh's name flash on the screen. I slid the answer key and put the phone on my ear.


"Hey.. You already arrived?" His voice was full of concern. I can imagine him looking around his surroundings, worried.

"Yeah.. Just got a cab all the way to the hotel." I answered and yawn at the same time.

"Alright alright. I'm just worried.. So text when you needed something okay?"

"I will" I smiled, even though he won't be able to see it.

"Take care and have a great sleep when you arrived at your hotel room. I think you need some.." He chuckled at the other line that cause for me to giggle.

"I love you." He said and I know he mean it.

"I love you too" I said back, nonchalantly.

And there we hang up.


"Room 28" The lady smiled at me and I gave it back.

"Thank you" I grab the keys from her hand and pull my luggage to the elevator. Well, I have this medium size pink luggage and a mini bag on my shoulder. Yep, I'm a girl. I need lots of clothes and stuffs with me.

I push the button 4 just as what the lady instructed me. The elevator stopped at floor 2, and two teenagers hop inside. They both smiled at me as they closed the elevator door, pushing the button 6. The one is a guy and the other one is a girl whom I guessing is his girlfriend. Because they were holding hands before they even entered the elevator, and still won't let go.

I was just behind them as they started talking.

"P- Paolo... I don't think we can do this." The girl looked down at her feet.

"Are you sure? But Carla.. This is our only way. I- I don't want you to be far away from me." He holds her chin to look up to him.

"I don't want my mum to be dissapointed in me. I love them... But my heart really really wants you." She place her free hand on his hand that is resting on her cheeks. "I don't know what to do. I'm so confused."

I felt awkward behind them actually. But I'm like there, watching an actual love story in front of me.

"Run with me... Please..." He told her.

I can feel my eyes watering. It was like.. I'm remembering things in the past.. I actually imagined that the boy is Harry, And I was the girl. Trying to figure ways out to be happy, together.

The door slides opened that inform me that I was on floor 4. They both look at me and I smiled at them, pulling my luggage with me as I walked out of the elevator.

I turned around them just when I got out. And they just stared at me.

I smiled at them, "Y- You should follow your hearts, Because that'll make you happy. Don't ever let each other go. Stay strong together, you can make it through this. Hold on tight." I adviced. And their smiles grew wide.

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