Chapter One: A New Mission

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Ahsoka Tano awoke with a start, her heart pounding in chest and echoing throughout her lekku like the beat of a drum.

It took her a moment to realize she was in her A-wing starfighter – an item on loan from Phoenix Squadron – and not still on the Ghost. As the last little bits of the dream faded away into reality, she covered her face in her hands, as if rubbing her temples would send the memories back into the depths from whence they came.

Ahsoka sighed, closing her blue eyes for a moment in hopes of resting them. She felt... thin, like she was a sheet of glass being stretched over a frame too large for it. As the glass coagulated and cooled, there were some spots where it wasn't as thick and hearty as others.

Those weak points were where fatigue and the weight of all her obligations and everything in between put pressure, trying to find a way in to mess with her and keep her from doing the things she had dedicated herself to.

She took as much time off or at least away from the fleet to work from home as she could for her family, but as much as she tried, balancing the Rebellion and her precious children didn't leave much time for herself. However, even though she knew it was costing her, she forced herself to push on. Each side of the equation needed her as much as the other, and she wasn't about to let either one down.

That just wasn't how her brain was wired.

She opened up the ship's personal computer system, synchronized to her comlink so that she could access the readings on a larger scale during her trip. But when she selected the notifications section of the primary holomenu, she couldn't help but make a little noise of exasperation at the sheer number of new things she had to deal with on top of all of those she was still working on.

Then, a soft chime began to sound, and a call sign with the word 'Guardian' written on it appeared. Despite her tiredness, Ahsoka lit up, pressing the button at her right that would accept the call.

A pair of warm grey eyes and a smile under a mop of dark hair suddenly filled the space in front of her. "Hey, beautiful."

"Hello, handsome

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"Hello, handsome." She reached out to touch the holographic representation of her husband's cheek as he did the same for her. If the blue light of the starlines around her hit the image just right, it looked almost as if he was flesh and blood, and right there beside her.

"It hasn't even been two weeks and already I miss you, Lux," she whispered.

Lux Bonteri smiled, and opened his mouth to reply. But then, he furrowed his brow, shifting as if leaning closer to the hologram he was seeing of her. However, the image receptor on his end compensated for the gesture and kept him at the same distance for her.

He studied her for a moment, before finally speaking what was on his mind. "You look like you haven't slept a wink. You've got the, well, you've got the circles under your eyes again."

The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano, Book TenWhere stories live. Discover now