Chapter Sixty-Seven: Party Planning

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The days passed quickly after Ahsoka's return to Cialone, shifting and blending together in a whirlwind of work, passion, and love as she balanced going about her duties as Fulcrum and one of the administrators of the New Jedi Temple and spending time with her husband and children.

And as far as she was concerned, it was amazing...

But it wasn't all perfect, as she was reminded as morning dawned on Enarion and Alux's eighth birthday, when she awoke, regrettably, to the sound of something falling and Lux scrambling across the room after it, cursing all the while.

She groaned and buried her face deeper into her pillow, praying for a few more minutes of sleep. It had been a late night, and even while she had known she would have to get up extra early to put the finishing touches on the party for the twins, it didn't make getting up to face the day any easier.


Ahsoka grumbled softly, but didn't bother to separate the sounds into words.

"Ahsoka, come on, sweetie."

She didn't move, and after a moment of silence, she was beginning to think she had won those few minutes. But then, the bed shifted beneath her as Lux crawled back in alongside her.

She was just about to ask him why when he began kissing her back, his lips dancing up her spine. She smiled, stretching her arms out in front of her. "Feels nice," she slurred, and Lux hummed against her skin.

But as wonderful as it was, Ahsoka knew it was time to get going. She made a move to get up, rubbing her eyes, but Lux stopped her. "I'm not done yet."

"Come on, you got enough of this last ni– oh."

Lux's kisses had moved from her back to her lekku, his mouth twisting and turning along the dark blue stripes. Ahsoka sighed, closing her eyes again as his soft kisses drifted higher and higher.

Before long, he was close enough for her to act. She rolled onto her back and pressed her lips to his, pulling him down on top of her.

"I love you," she murmured between kisses. She wrapped her arms tighter around him, her fingers whispering over his shoulder blades.

Lux pulled away for a moment to look into his eyes, kissing her gently on the nose. Then he dipped back down to bury his face in her neck, and Ahsoka's hold on him tightened. "And I love you."

Slowly, Ahsoka's fingers began to drift down. But before she could reach the hem of Lux's shirt, he pulled away again, sitting up.

"Stay," she whispered, following him halfway to place a soft kiss on his jaw.

"You are the most ruthless, horrible temptress I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a bed with," Lux said, a teasing smile touching the corners of his mouth. "But we need to get going. There's a reason I woke you up before the kids did."

Ahsoka nodded slowly, and sat up, hugging the blankets around herself. She understood completely, but she couldn't deny she was a little disappointed they couldn't stay here longer, just the two of them.

Lux noticed, and tilted her chin up so their eyes met. He pulled her close, his fingers drifting almost aimlessly over her bare skin for a long moment. But then, he grinned. "But I suppose we can take a few more minutes for ourselves."

He pulled her in for another kiss, and she sighed against his lips. Not the few more minutes I was expecting, but this is definitely not a bad replacement.

"Momma! Daddy! Momma! Daddy!"

The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano, Book TenWhere stories live. Discover now