Chapter Thirty-Three: New Hope Liftoff

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"We suffered heavy casualties today, Commander Sato; four fighters down and another two in really bad shape. Not to mention all the injured..."

Ezra studied Hera from where she stood across the table. The Twi'lek captain's eyes were hooded, her features drawn back into hard lines. Though she made herself appear strong for Commander Sato and the others there, everyone on the Ghost knew she considered every pilot dead or injured to be a personal failure.

Hera shook her head, opening her mouth to speak again. "That fuel had better have been worth it."

Commander Sato nodded. "It was – it will last our ships at least two m–"

Suddenly, the door slid open, and Ahsoka marched into the room.

"Fulcrum. This is unexpected." Commander Sato's eyebrows rose fractionally, but he didn't make any further commentary on her unexplained interruption. "What are your findings on the Azidara system?"

"If what we ascertained during our time there is any indication, I think it's safe to say the Azidara system definitely won't work as a rebel base. I'll give you my full report this evening," she said practically all in one breath. Then, her posture went rigid, her arms crossed behind her back, and Ezra could see that her fingers were clenched into fists. "What's the status on Janira Elt?"

"As Fleet Commander, I must make it clear that the whereabouts of a single pilot are none of your con–"

Ahsoka held up her hand for silence. "I am aware of my, Commander Sato. And we both know I'm speaking perfectly within my boundaries."

Rebel commander and informant stared one another down for a moment, and even Ezra could sense the shifting balance of power between them. Even if it was obvious to everyone in the room that she was walking a dangerous line, something in Ahsoka's tone made it clear she was not to be questioned. Her face was a mask of deadly calm, and it was such a change from her usually unshakable calmness that Ezra found it almost scary.

But then, Commander Sato yielded, even if the only sign he gave of it was averting his eyes. Ahsoka somehow stood taller still, radiating such a sense of power Ezra was sure everyone in the room, Force-sensitive or no, could feel it.

"Halfway through the fuel run, an Imperial light cruiser arrived to reinforce the convoy. She..." Commander Sato paused for a moment. "Even with our communications out and the order to retreat having been given, she did not fall back. She crashed her fighter into the bridge of the cruiser. Her sacrifice allowed us to escape in one piece – with the fuel, which would otherwise have been lost."

"Then I'll be sure to tell her that when she's recovered."

"Who's Janira?" Ezra asked Hera in a whisper.

"Captain Janira Elt. Phoenix Four. She was the best A-wing pilot in Phoenix Squadron – and in three other cells." Hera sighed. "She never did anything halfway, and this time it cost her. It's such a shame; especially over something like a fuel run."

"Wait, what? Is she–"

Commander Sato quieted them both with a look. "We... don't have her here. More reinforcements were coming – we had no choice but to abandon the search."

Ahsoka's eyes flashed dangerously. "You what?"

"We cannot risk the entire fleet for the life of one–"

"You can and you will, or I'll do it myself." Ahsoka spun on her heel and stalked off towards the exit. "I won't leave Jani behind. Not now; not ever."

Ezra shot a look after Ahsoka, then turned to Hera and Kanan in wordless inquiry. Hera nodded, but by the time Kanan had opened his mouth to protest, Ezra was already halfway across the bridge and not about to look back.

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