Chapter Twelve: Returning To Cialone

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Kaya Ti had been on edge ever since she received the news about the sudden arrival of the two Inquisitors. Although she knew the situation was under control, she knew she wouldn't be able to find peace until she saw for herself.

Stopping briefly to drape a blanket over the shoulders of Varaya Kerris and offer her a reassuring smile, Kaya left the common room of the New Hope and made her way towards the cockpit.

"Commander," Rex said with a quick salute before turning his attention back towards the control panel.

"It's just Kaya, Rex," she told him, sitting down in the copilot's seat. "I was never instated as a commander before... well, before the war ended."

"Sorry, sir– I mean, uh, Kaya." Rex adjusted his grip on the yoke and turned towards her, a half-smile visible beneath his prominent beard. "It's just old habits. You're her Padawan, and, even if this isn't the Clone Wars, it still feels like it should be common courtesy."

A little voice from the back of Kaya Ti's mind had an immediate – and scathing – retort: Even Boss and Zinger? The ones who promised to protect you and the others and still betrayed you in the end?

She ignored it, however, choosing to reply with a little less anger. "I know. But I prefer to put the past behind me."

"As you wish, sir– Kaya."

They shared a smile. Then, as a button began flashing to let them know they were approaching their destination, Kaya began pressing buttons and flipping switches. She took her station off the autopilot setting, cuing up the necessary systems for Rex to take the Hope out of hyperspace.

As the starlines faded into the outer reaches of the Cialone system, the Force suddenly washed over her, carrying with it the feelings of fear of many, many beings and the bitter aftertaste of a confrontation between the Dark and the Light. Kaya bit her lip, searching deeper into it.

"I know that look."

"What do you mean?"

"I served alongside Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker. I came to have an understanding of when one or the other – or both, as it usually was – could sense something out of the ordinary through the Force." Rex turned to look at her with his kind hazel eyes. "What is it?"

"They're... afraid," Kaya said slowly, closing her eyes. "The Jedi. The whole Temple was gripped in fear, and only now is it starting to ease away."

Suddenly, she remembered Ahsoka telling her that Varaya Kerris was slightly Force-sensitive. Even if the woman was picking up on just a small part of what Kaya was sensing now, she probably lacked the attunement to decipher it. It had to be making her very uneasy.

Kaya knew Rex could land the ship just fine without a copilot, so she went back into the common room to sit with her and provide her some form of comfort.

She seemed to understand that she was amongst friends here, and for that Kaya was grateful – when they first arrived, the families of new younglings often had concerns that were difficult to alleviate without long and complicated explanations.

Before long, she heard the subtle shift of the durasteel walls and the recalibration of the shields with the change in pressure as they reached Cialone's atmosphere. It was only another few minutes before the ship touched down.

Helping the elderly woman to her feet, Kaya escorted her to the medics waiting outside.

"Any casualties?" she asked one of them under her breath.

The young man nodded no, then turned back towards Varaya.

Satisfied that the woman was in good hands, she set out at a fast clip towards Lux and Ahsoka's quarters, leaving Rex to finish powering down the ship. Hallway after hallway flashed by until she finally came to the final stretch separating her from her destination.

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