Chapter Fourteen: Making Plans

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"Why the hell didn't you tell me there were Sith Inquisitors here?"

Lux watched Ahsoka pace the length of their room for the umpteenth time. She sat down on the bed, cradling her head in her hands, but she was on her feet again a moment later to resume her restless stride, wringing her hands together where they were folded behind her back.

So far, attempts to pacify her had not been going well.

"I thought we had the system under control here," Lux told her, his voice painfully calm. He ran his fingers through his hair as the same nervous energy that had taken ahold of Ahsoka began to spread on to him. "It was a difficult situation that came practically out of nowhere, and did the best I could to remove the threat."

Ahsoka whirled around, pointing an accusing finger in his direction. "No Force user not allied with the Empire is ever safe when the Inquisitors get involved, even if they've been reduced to empty shells with the life sapped from them. The Empire might be on its way here right now, for all we know!"

Lux sighed, his face softening. "I'm sorry, Socks. Really, I am."

"No. Don't apologize. I'm just..." Ahsoka exhaled softly and reached out with one hand, her fingers closing around the empty air as she tried to put her thoughts to words. "When you told me what had happened, my heart stopped. I couldn't help but think that this... this was too close."

Lux's heart clenched as he spotted the beginnings of tears in her beautiful blue eyes. Wordlessly, he pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back soothingly.

"What if our babies had been hurt, Lux?"

"Then there would not have been any power in this galaxy that could have prevented me – hell, prevented both of us from avenging them."

"But we're Jedi. That's not how we do things," she intoned, but Lux could hear that there was just the slightest hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Times are changing, Ahsoka, and I suppose Jedi values have to change with them," he told her. "But then again, I'm a politician before a Jedi, just like I'm a father and a husband before I'm a politician. I wasn't raised with the same values. I just don't think the same way you do."

Ahsoka chuckled. "And thank the Force for that. One of me wreaking havoc upon the galaxy is more than enough."

"Are you kidding? Two of you would be great!" Lux teased. "One of you could be here with me and the kids, and the other could be out saving the galaxy with the rest of the Rebellion."

Much to his surprise, Ahsoka's smile dropped immediately, and she angled her face away from him, deep in thought. "You really want me to stay that badly?"

Yes, because you're my wife and the mother to our children and I love you so, Lux thought to himself, running his fingertips along her jawline. "Of course I do."

Ahsoka breathed in deeply, then released it in a small puff of air. Then, pulling out of his arms, she sat down at the desk and turned on the transmitter. In a moment, it had made a connection with its caller.

"Commander Sato."

"Fulcrum, it's good to hear from you," Jun Sato said, his dark, almond-shaped eyes stoic but warm. "Captain Syndulla and Ezra Bridger informed me of your recent... ordeal at the hands of the Empire's agents."

"Commander, I wanted to inform you that I'm taking a leave of absence. I have some personal matters that require my attention. I'll continue supplying the fleet with information, and I'll go out on missions if it's an emergency situation, but I have to take a few weeks to myself."

The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano, Book TenWhere stories live. Discover now