Chapter Eleven: Outwitting Inquisitors

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Lux watched as the pair of TIE fighters landed on a ridge in the rocks near the one he, Christo and Janira were using for cover. He adjusted the focus on his pair of microbinoculars as the ships' pilots disembarked, zeroing in on their faces and searching their armored bodies for weapons.

"Yeah, they're Inquisitors, all right," he said when he spotted the double-bladed spinning lightsaber attached to each being's back. "One female and one male. I don't recognize them, though, so they're not Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister."

"That's good," said Janira, crouching down beside him. She stuffed her blasters into the holsters that came with the clothes she had donned – a simple vest, long-sleeve shirt, pants and sturdy boots – in hopes of avoiding being called out on for her pilot's uniform, then held out her hand for the binoculars. "But if I'm totally honest with you, with all the good friends of mine she's killed..."

Lux turned back towards her as she trailed off. She passed the binoculars back to him, shaking her head. A dark look he had never seen before came to his sister's face, and he put his hand on her shoulder for a moment in empathy.

"Jattson, are we ready?" he asked, raising his comm to his face.

"Yes sir. Just say the word."

"Copy that." Lux turned back towards his friend and his sister, who nodded. "We're moving out."

Then, taking a deep breath, Lux stood up. "Hello there!" he called, waving cheerfully towards the two Inquisitors. Then, he, Christo and Janira started down the slope towards them.

As soon as they were close enough to speak without having to yell, the female Inquisitor, who looked to be of Nightsister blood, narrowed her eyes beneath her mask. "Were you spying on us, Human?" she demanded.

"No," Lux said, calling on all his experience working in politics to pull up his best sabacc face. "Just watching. It's not everyday we get visitors here, especially somewhere as backwater as Cialone. Can we be of assistance to you?"

The Nightsister made a move to speak, but the male, who was of a species Lux didn't recognize, held out a hand. "Perhaps," he said, his voice low and dark. "We seek a Rebel starfighter that entered this system an hour and a half ago."

"There aren't any Rebel pilots here," Lux said, but he couldn't ignore a twinge of unease at the back of his mind. "Just me, my sister, and a bunch of my friends who would much prefer to be left alone, thanks."

"Just who do you think you are?" the female hissed.

"Oh, me?" Lux smiled. "I'm no one. Just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe."

"I think this whole exchange of pleasantries has gone on quite long enough, don't you agree? Anyone with eyes can see that you're hardly simple... Jedi."

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