Chapter One Hundred And Fifteen: Loss Renewed

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The first thing Lux heard as he finally emerged from his room after a long and tiring conference call with the other IronFist leaders was a long, plaintive wail – and it nearly scared the living daylights out of him.

He listened intently for a moment, his whole body tensed and ready to run toward the sound at the slightest hint of anything familiar to him. But he wasn't at all prepared for the subtle whisper of the Force at the back of his mind telling him it was none other than his own daughter, Aeja.

He was sprinting off down the hall before he could so much as blink, his blood flowing as cold as ice in his veins.

A thousand fears and questions flew through his mind in a mad panic. Aeja was usually so gentle and mild-mannered, and his friends often said she had the mind of someone much older, and that it took a lot to phase her – so what could possibly have caused her to scream like that? Was she sick? Was she hurt? How badly? Was he too late to save her from some unimaginable peril?

What had happened to his daughter?

He skidded to a stop as he rounded the corner, and took a moment to catch his breath and take in the scene playing out before him.

Aeja stood in the middle of the hallway, tears of anger and sadness streaming down her face as she let out another shriek. Around her crowded Amni and Christo, both of whom were trying to pacify her, without much success.

The moment Aeja sensed his presence in the Force, she spun unsteadily on one heel to face him and jabbed an accusing finger in his direction. "This is all your fault!" she screamed, and Lux was taken aback by twisted her face was with hatred.

"Aeja, sweetie," he began softly, "what are you talking–?"

"You don't understand! You let her leave, and now she's gone for good!"

"Let who leave? Aeja, please, talk to me," Lux said, taking a few steps closer – but very slowly, so as not to provoke her further. This was a situation had to be handled carefully. "Tell tata'tyim what's going on, ah'dhoty'rjim. Tell me what you're feeling right now."

Aeja shook her head fervently and began backing away. "No, no – she's gone! Stop trying to make it okay! She's gone and she's never coming back!"

Then, before any of them could stop her, she took off running down the hallway, hiccuping down sobs as she went.

Christo moved to go after her, but Lux stopped him, holding his arm until the girl was almost out of sight. "Let her go. She needs to be alone right now. Don't worry, she won't go far – see, look, she's just heading back to her room," Lux said with confidence he didn't feel. "I'll go check up on her later."

The taller man nodded and relented as she disappeared through the door, crossing his arms over his chest as he muttered, "What was that all about?"

"I have no idea." Lux sighed, reaching up to brush a few rogue locks of hair idly back off his forehead. "If only Ahsoka were here; she's always been better at getting through to Aeja than I am. The boys grew up with me caring for them most of the time, but Aeja still remembers when her mother wasn't as involved in the Rebellion as she is now. I... I think Ahsoka will always be the parent she's closer to."

"Oh, you shouldn't say things that," Amni chided softly, taking one hand from where it rested over the prominent swell of her belly and reaching over to touch his shoulder. "She still loves you, even if on the outside she doesn't seem as attached to you as the boys. And he looks up to you more than anyone in the galaxy – I should know, I've heard her say time and time again how proud she is to be a Bonteri."

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