Chapter Fifty-Nine: Arranging A Meeting/ Entering The Temple

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Even from across the room, the transmitter seemed to frown at him in disapproval. Every time Lux looked its way, it scowled and reminded him without speaking of what he had to do and how little he wanted to do it.

Janira had finally snapped and called Lux to tell him that if he didn't talk to their father soon and start putting their family back together, she was going to take the next step early and tell Kanan everything herself. Lux knew she was just trying to help and move things along, but he still felt like she was backing him into a corner.

When he had told her so, she had laughed and told him in a veiled tone that he almost sounded like he didn't want their family to be reunited.

Perhaps there was some truth in what his sister had said, but Lux wasn't going to dwell on it just yet. As of now, he still had the call to make.

Come on, Bonteri," he whispered to himself. "Stop being such a wuss. If you don't do this soon, Jani's probably going to tell Ahsoka you haven't called yet – and then you'll never hear the end of it. Do you really want that?"

The answer was a wholehearted negative, and gave Lux the last bit of confidence he needed to stand up, walk across the room, and enter the code to send a signal to his father's private transmitter.

Enarion Jarrus Dume picked up on the third chime. "Hello, Lux."

"Hello." Lux nearly added a 'Father' to the greeting, but he stopped himself before the urge could overtake him. He still wasn't sure who merited the title more – the man who had raised him or his birth father – and he wasn't ready to choose.

"How are you?" Enarion asked, a smile on his face that was too full of emotions for Lux to read properly. "How are the kids, and Ahsoka?"

"We're all... fine here, thank you. The twins are turning eight in a few days, and Ahsoka is away with Kanan – Caleb – and his apprentice, Ezra." Lux was silent for a moment, thinking. "Forgive my abruptness, but I have something to ask you something and I want to get straight to the point."

"Of course."

"Jani and I have been talking about coordinating her shore leave from Phoenix Squadron with a visit to Onderon so she can see everyone – the kids to especially. And although I was initially planning on just dropping them off like I usually do... I want to be there too this time. I feel like there are things we leave unsaid more often than not that we need to address."

Enarion smiled knowingly. "And that's not just your sister talking? Because I know she can be very... forthright at times."

"Partly. But this is also me saying that we just... we need to talk, Father."

"Very well. If that's what you want, I'll make arrangements. I'll be back on Onderon in a month, and we could all meet then if it's not too soon for you."

"It's not."

Enarion glanced away, as if checking an incoming message. "I must go, but give my love to Ahsoka and the children," he said. "I'll see you in a month... my son."


The trip to Lothal was a short one, and the descent down to the planet's surface uneventful. The Empire had long since realized that the Ghost crew had moved their dealings elsewhere, and security had grown lax in their absence.

If it looks like there's nothing to chase here on Lothal, then apparently that's as good as there really being nothing to chase, Ahsoka thought. Interesting. I'll have to have a chat with Ryder Azadi; get him to start making some noise.

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