Chapter Thirty-Eight: There Has Been An Awakening

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Ahsoka had been loitering around the medbay of the Liberator for the better part of two standard days, waiting for Janira to wake up.

The medics had said that even with the treatment, carbon monoxide poisoning as bad as hers was cause for her to sleep at least another day or two before waking up. And if she didn't do it by herself, they had told Ahsoka they would simply go through with standard procedure to bring her out of the coma.

But what Ahsoka was most worried about was the potential brain damage. The medics claimed to have been able to rejuvenate her compromised cells thanks to some extra time in the bacta tank, but Ahsoka didn't know if it had been successful to the point of recovering the higher functions needed to operate a starfighter.

And she knew Janira: being unable to fly would break her.

Ahsoka sighed, gazing back towards the doorway that led into Janira's room. No one was allowed in to see her before she woke up except the doctors and immediate family, and while Ahsoka had contemplated telling them Janira was her sister-in-law, that would pose all sorts of problems for her as more and more questions were asked about her family.

The need to keep her children and her husband veiled in secrecy far outweighed the desire to see Jani.

Ahsoka had grown restless sitting in the small waiting room outside the medbay. Perhaps prowling around the ship for a while would help to release some of the nervous energy that had taken hold of her.

But what began as aimless prowling soon turned into an excursion with a destination as Ahsoka realized her feet were taking her back towards the Ghost.

But that was all right with her. She felt like she had probably forgotten to eat at some point, so maybe she would be able to grab a pinch of Hera's Shilian steak spice and throw together a quick meal that wasn't entirely out of a ration pack.

But thoughts of food were pushed to the back of her mind again as Ezra came up behind her. Pausing at the docking portal between the Ghost and the Liberator, she turned back to offer him a smile. "Hello, Ezra."

"You looking for Hera?" the young Jedi apprentice asked, walked past her through the docking portal and motioning for her to follow.

"Well... more like her steak spice."

Ezra started laughing so hard he could barely walk straight, and as soon as he had reached the common room, he collapsed down onto the couch. When he had recovered enough to speak, he turned back towards her. "That... was honestly the last thing I was expecting you to say."

"What? Rebel informants have to eat, too!" Ahsoka smiled, but she sobered again as she was confronted by an image of Ezra's parents.

He looked so much like his father, but there was something of his mother in his face, too. And although she hadn't had the chance to get to know them very well before they were taken by the Empire, the Rebellion hadn't been as organized back then. The Bridgers had thought they were just two people and a few friends against the galaxy, and while she had offered her support and given them the means to broadcast in other systems, Ahsoka hadn't really had the basis to tell them that the Rebellion was more widespread than they knew.

"Ezra... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about your parents," she said. "I know what it's like to lose those you care about, and how hard it can be – especially when they're people like Ephraim and Mira."

Ezra's eyebrows shot up. "You've met my parents?"

Ahsoka smiled. "Yes. Once. They were wonderful people, Ezra; like lights shining in the darkness. You definitely have their spirit. It was shortly before the Empire took them away – I was visiting Lothal on business after the birth of my– my friend's first child."

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