Chapter Fifty-Seven: Memories In A Holocron

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It had been almost a month since Valunn, and everything still hurt.

Ahsoka had hoped time would dull the pain, but it had only served to cover it over with more worries and problems. It would work for a short while, and she would almost forget it was there... but in the long run, it only made it even worse when it finally broke through again.

At least for now, however, she had to focus on the present. Kanan had called her a few hours before asking her to rendezvous with the Ghost, explaining that he needed the advice of someone who knew the ways of the Force better than he did.

The one thing that made Ahsoka uneasy about it was how he had then instructed Hera to meet them away from the Rebel fleet. No matter which way you looked at it, the unusual request presented uncomfortable possibilities.

To her knowledge, the Inquisitors were not proficient enough to track someone with the Force. But, seeing as it was always the same two who were hunting Kanan and Ezra, perhaps they had developed a special attunement to their auras, and were using that to find them.

As the ship came out of hyperspace at the prearranged rendezvous point, Ahsoka went to join Hera in the cockpit. She was just powering down the transmitter, and Ahsoka caught a glimpse of Kanan's face before the image disappeared into nothingness.

"Did they have any luck with those two planets?" she asked.

Hera shook her head, her lips pressed into a tight line. "No. The Inquisitors found them on Ariylo and followed them to Oosalon. Take it to any Imperial tactician and they'll probably be able to figure out what we were looking for in a heartbeat."

Ahsoka sighed, crossing her arms. "Those two were the last options we had. At this rate, we're going to have to start exploring the Unchartered Regions just to find more candidates for a suitable location."

Hera hummed thoughtfully for a moment before her gaze brightened. "Oh, I forgot. Kanan said he wanted me to show you something before he got back; he thought it might able to help if someone with a different perspective looked at it."

"What is it?"

Hera smiled knowingly and rose to her feet. "Come, I'll show you."

The walk to Kanan's room was short, and Ahsoka was almost surprised when Hera walked right in. The Jedi Ahsoka had known back during the Clone Wars tended to accord a special importance to personal space, and Kanan had seemed to be the type of person who would have held onto such values.

But then again, she had always thought there was something else going on between the Rebel pilot and her Jedi companion. It wasn't unreasonable to assume Hera and Kanan were similar to her and Lux in some respects.

"Can you feel anything? Kanan said you'd probably be able to sense it."

Perplexed, Ahsoka shook her head no. But then, she felt the Force reach out to touch her thoughts, like a soft whisper in the back of her mind.

Her eyes found a square panel in the metal frame of Kanan's bed, and she bent down to press on it. A moment later, shallow secret compartment slid open, inside which was–

"Kanan has a holocron?"

Hera nodded, and turned back towards the door. "I'll leave you alone," she said. "I know Kanan likes peace and quiet when he meditates. I'll give you a heads up when the Phantom is about to drop out of hyperspace."

She left before Ahsoka could say anything else, closing the door behind her.

The room was too saturated with Kanan's presence for Ahsoka to concentrate properly, so she took the holocron and walked off down the hallway. She finally stopped when she found a large, empty supply closet near the engine room with an outcropping along the inside where she could sit.

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