Chapter Forty-Four: The Past And The Future

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The first thing Ahsoka was conscious of was that the air around her was so hot she felt as if she were walking through flames.

The landscape around her suddenly flickered into view, and Ahsoka realized that somehow, without being conscious of it, she must have opened her eyes. The sight that met her eyes then explained the heat in an instant: she was on some sort of volcanic planet.

She recognized it after a moment as Mustafar a world she and Anakin had tracked Cad Bane to when he had made the mistake of taking a job for a Darksider who had wanted to use Force-sensitive children as weapons.

The sound of two voices drew her back to the present if there was even a notion of present or past or future in this moment.

"Love won't save you, Padme only my new powers can do that."

"But at what cost?" Padme's voice was incredulous, and, much to Ahsoka's surprise, while it still clung to hopefulness, it was slowly sinking into desperation. "You're a good person; don't do this!"

Ahsoka tried to get closer in hopes of identifying the first speaker, careful to avoid the places where the lava had broken through the cracks in the unstable ground. Something in their voice made her feel like their identity was so obvious... and yet it somehow managed to elude her completely.

"The Chancellor is evil!"

That was Obi-Wan, and the way he was speaking made Ahsoka furrow her brow. It sounded like he knew who he was talking to, but they weren't on good terms. She found that strange. She remembered him always having been so cordial, even with people he hated. He had never made his disdain obvious.

Another thing she couldn't quite work out was the sheer pain in the way he spoke. She had never heard him sound so distraught, even during times of great loss.

Ahsoka wanted to help him, but he was across a river of burning lava. The jump was too far even for a Force user, and she could see no other way to reach him.

"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!"

That voice. Ahsoka was sure she knew that voice.


Ahsoka muffled a sob as the scene before her changed and she caught sight of Anakin, lying dismembered on the hot, ashy ground, the glimmer of madness in his eyes. Darth Vader stood over him, a tall, unmovable soldier wreathed in darkness.

"After you have killed all the Jedi in the Temple, go to the Mustafar system," a deep voice laced with malice and cunning instructed, and Vader cocked his head to listen. "Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have... peace."

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