Chapter Fifteen: A Few Missing Faces

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Ahsoka was glad she had put in an extra word with the Temple cooks as she, Janira, Lux and the kids sat down to dinner that evening. Her husband and his sister fairly lit up as they gazed at the abundance of fine Onderonian dishes before them, and the kids were just as enthusiastic.

Ahsoka, meanwhile, had her eyes on a large steak that sat just out of arm's reach on the table, but she could tell by the look in Aeja's eyes that she would have some competition over it. As a pureblood Togruta, Ahsoka's biology relied on a mostly a meat-based diet, but, while the kids were half-Human, they were still almost as partial to fine cuts of steak as she was.

But she didn't want to keep everyone waiting much longer, so she took the hands of Aeja and Enarion where they sat on either side of her. Lux did the same for Janira and Anakin, who then linked themselves to Aluxso.

It wasn't long before they were all connected. Ahsoka cleared her throat and began her brief recitation that had become their family's way of saying grace.

"We are thankful for the food on this table; for the roof over our heads; to be in good fortune; to have the company of people who love us and care about us. We are thankful that despite the troubled times we're living through, there are still those who wish to do good in the galaxy, and we are thankful for those who risk their lives every day to do it. And, most importantly, we are thankful to be here together as a family."

There was a moment of silence as everyone closed their eyes and reflected on what Ahsoka had said. But while Ahsoka could sense nothing but serenity from her husband and children, her sister-in-law's presence in the Force was a spiral of conflicted emotions, and it didn't take her long to find the cause: the Inquisitors.

Lux had told her of the ruthlessness with which his sister had taken them out, and she had been quite surprised. Janira had an immense respect for all living beings, which made Ahsoka wonder what must have happened to allow so much hatred to build up inside her and cause her to lash out so strongly.

But that was when she realized that the kids had opened their eyes and were salivating over the food that had been laid out for them. She resolved to ask Jani about her emotional baggage later. Now, it was time to eat.

"Okay, now let's eat– Anakin, no! We do not grab things off others' plates!" Ahsoka sighed. "Lux, serve him so he's not tempted again, please. And Enarion, I want you to eat all your gachi leaves. They're sweet like candy, remember?"

The seven-year-old narrowed his eyes at the red leaves as they were heaped onto his plate. "Yeah, but they still feel all weird and mushy on your tongue. They're not yummy, Momma."

Aluxso laughed. "You kidding? They're great!"

"Well, I don't see you eating your lursa squash, and it's the best there is!"

Enarion grabbed a forkful of the squash and dangled it in front of his brother's face. Aluxso turned away and mimed throwing up, much to Anakin's delight. The three-year-old laughed, clapping his hands a few times before Lux grabbed them and started wiping them off with a napkin.

Aeja, meanwhile, had taken advantage of the chaos to seize the best cuts of the steak. Ahsoka brushed it off and contented herself with what was left once the other three kids had been served.

"Sorry about the chaos," Ahsoka said, turning to Janira.

"It's fine. It reminds me of community meals back on Onderon, actually. The town I grew up in – Kyzeron, as I think it's called now – would host one every time Dxun was full in the sky. It was organized chaos, you know? Just crazy enough to keep things interesting."

Ahsoka watched as Lux smiled at his sister and reached out to take her hand. "I remember those. I only ever went to a couple when we staying at the villa during the summer, but they great."

Ahsoka suddenly realized that the elder set of Bonteri twins present at the table had been exposed to two very different lifestyles growing up, much like she and Lux had been. But those differences had brought her and her husband close, and led to a mutual fascination that had eventually flourished into something more.

In a similar manner, Janira and Lux's differences in perspective had probably deepened their relationship as siblings as much as their similarities had.

Her attention was then drawn back to the present as a small piece of steak suddenly soared through the air to land in some indefinable corner of the room.

"No, boys! No throwing food at the table! It's either in your mouth or on your plate," Ahsoka scolded Enarion and Aluxso as they hid away the components of a makeshift catapult – a fork and a trio of breadsticks – and a few other pieces of food to act as projectiles. "Keep this up and I'll have to withhold your dessert!"

It was quiet for a time after that. The three boys didn't dare to risk their dessert privileges.

"So, Jani, what's happened since we last saw each other?" Ahsoka asked, taking advantage of the silence to make conversation. "Aside from your promotion, of course, for which I have to congratulate you again." Then, a wicked smile curled the corners of her mouth. "Have you met anyone new I should know about?"

Lux choked on his mouthful of food, drawing giggles from all four of the kids.

Janira blushed a vivid pink, suddenly taking avid interest in what was on her plate. "No. Not really. There's just... well. I don't know. But there's no one new. And now that I'm with Phoenix Squadron, I doubt I'll have the time for a relationship."

Ahsoka shot a knowing look at her husband. "Well, the road is long and has its fair share of surprises. You never know – maybe in a year, you'll find the time."

"Yeah, and then me and Sissy and Enari and Alux gonna get cousins!" Anakin cried, oblivious to the spoonful of food Lux was trying to feed him. "Right, Momma?"

"We– we'll just have to wait and s-see about that," Jani stammered.

Ahsoka and Lux shared a laugh, but Ahsoka quickly noticed an unusual glint in his eyes. She smiled as she remembered how protective he was of his sister; it was a product of not having grown up with her and wanting to be there for her. If anything, he was probably wary of the idea of her officially seeing someone.

Ahsoka smiled as she gazed down the table at her crazy, wonderful family. It meant so much to her that she had them, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if there were six more people seated with them.

Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme deserved to be there. They were still her family, even if they had never been related by blood and were long gone now. She could just picture Anakin doting on the little boy who shared his name – if things were different, her youngest son would have had his namesake, who had become something of a household legend, as his godfather.

She knew Lux didn't have the best relationship with his father, but, regardless of that, in Ahsoka's daydream, Enarion Jarrus Dume had a seat beside his eldest son, with Mina Bonteri at his side. Kanan sat facing Janira, his russet-brown hair, identical to his mother's, catching in the light.

Blinking away a sudden prickling in her eyes, she looked back at the scene before her. Her expression sobered as illusion faded back into reality, but she knew that even if she couldn't see them, those who had since passed on were still with her.

They lived on in her memory, and that was what was most important.

*Ahsoka's mind continues to dwell on the faces of those whom she thinks are no longer alive. But little does she know that she is far less alone than she thinks, but perhaps not in the way she would expect... Will she eventually discover that Padme, Obi-Wan and Anakin are actually alive? Or will she remain in the dark for the rest of her years? And how will Kaya Ti fit into all of this? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Family fluff!!! Lux is overprotective as hell, the kids play with their food too much, and Ahsoka reflects upon the people who aren't there with her.

Seriously, writing the boys getting into trouble and Ahsoka scolding them (because we all know Lux is the more chill, lenient parent) is SO FUN. I'll have to do it more.


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