Chapter Sixty-Six: Breakfast In Bed

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When Ahsoka awoke the next morning, Lux's side of the bed was empty.

She had slept late, she realized. Her husband had always been prone to keeping strange hours, even now that he had four children that rose with the sun to look after most of the time. But even so, it was unusual for him to be up before her.

Before she had time to think much on it, however, a current of cold air wafted past her. Ahsoka shivered, grabbing Lux's sweater off a nearby chair and throwing it over her like a cape. It took her only a moment to find the source of the breeze: the door was open, letting the cooler air in.

Ahsoka smiled despite the chill. It was always the first gusts of autumn that heralded the twins' birthday, and she had so many happy memories of them breathing in the cooling air and telling her that the the changing of the winds meant they were that much closer to turning a year older.

She loved them so much, and it saddened her to remember that she couldn't be home very much. Lux was seeing them grow up before his very eyes, and she was far away, fighting a conflict that she wasn't even sure would be worth it in the end.

It made creating a team to bear the Fulcrum name all the more important.

She had a list of potential candidates on one of the datapads she had brought with her from the White Saber, which was sitting on top of her bag beside her desk. She reached out with the Force as a sudden bout of laziness overtook her, hoping to grab it without having to move.

But before she close her mental grip on it, the loud, excited thud-thud-thuds of children running cut through the air. A moment later, the twins skidded around the corner into the room, followed closely by their younger brother. They made a break for the bed, and before long, Ahsoka had all three of them crawling over her.

"Morning," she hummed, pulling the squirming bundle of arms and legs close to her and holding it still as best she could to kiss each boy in turn.

Suddenly, a blend of smells so heavenly it made her stomach growl hit the roof of her mouth. Ahsoka looked up to see Aeja carefully balancing a tray heaped with food as she made her way into the room, with Lux a few steps behind, keeping a watchful eye for spills.

"Wildberries from the valley, jawa juice, pan-baked oatcakes with meiloorun honey, a side of nerf steak, and vhalka eggs – scrambled just the way you like them," he announced, motioning for Aeja to put the tray down on the bedside table.

Ahsoka's jaw dropped. "Did you cook all this?"

Lux nodded.

"It's a regular feast!" she exclaimed. "Are there any possible breakfast options that aren't on this tray?"

The boys exchanged a look. Then, they fervently shook their heads no.

Ahsoka turned to her husband again, her eyes wide; she still couldn't believe they had gone to all this trouble, and it showed. Lux laughed, looking shyly away. "Oh, it was nothing."

Ahsoka shook her head, taking his face in her hands and pulling him down to her eye level. "No," she whispered, leaning forward slightly so their foreheads touched. "With all that's happened these past few weeks... it's everything."

Then, she sent her mouth crashing into his, pulling him close even as the boys mimed throwing up. Lux kissed her back happily, and for a moment, the two of them let themselves fall deeper into their bond, forgetting everything but the feeling of their lips joined together.

Well, almost everything.

"Food's getting cold," Lux said, and pulled away.

It took but one look for Ahsoka to realize that despite how hungry she suddenly found herself feeling, she wouldn't be able to finish her breakfast alone. "I think I'm going to need some help with all this," she said, and immediately four pairs of eyes were glued to the delicious contents of the tray.

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