Chapter One Hundred And One: Shadow Revealed

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Kanan started as Fifth Brother pressed forward with his dual-bladed lightsaber, forcing him and Ahsoka back almost onto the blades of his fellow Inquisitors. Their opponents were using their superior numbers to box them in; making the space around them work in their favor.

And that wasn't the only thing serving them in this fight. It was as though the very energy the Temple radiated was wearing away at Kanan's inner reserves of strength, siphoning it off to further reinforce those who followed its teachings and knew how to absorb it: the Inquisitors.

The last time he, Ezra and Ahsoka had confronted them, they had been on neutral ground, with no sources of power of either Side of the Force at play. Here, with the Temple on their side, the Inquisitors were the ones who held the advantage. And as time went on, they would only grow stronger.

Kanan gritted his teeth and ducked under Seventh Sister's blade as she rushed forward, hoping to score a killing blow across his chest. He waited for her momentum to carry her a safe distance before turning to face the new Inquisitor.

They had to shake their enemies' defenses somehow. Their lives depended on it, as Kanan was suddenly reminded when Ahsoka stumbled back, barely managing to counter a stab for her torso.

For a few sweet moments, Kanan had held hopes that Ahsoka would be able to take on two Inquisitors by herself as easily as she had done on Takobo, using her superior skill to even out the playing field. But although on the outside she had lost none of her usual of power and dignity, her presence in the Force felt almost... drained.

This place was affecting her much more strongly than she let on, though Kanan couldn't help but wonder what she was sensing that he couldn't.

Kanan blocked a blow from the new Inquisitor and spun on one heel to kick him back a few steps. Then, he reached behind him and spun his saber briefly into a reverse grip in his hand to meet Fifth Brother's crimson blade. Letting it slide back into standard as he twisted around, he broke the saber lock and swung his blade quickly to the left and right, leaping forward onto the offensive to take advantage of a brief moment of the upper hand.

He glanced back at Ahsoka, who seemed to have recovered somewhat, as her fight against Seventh Sister and the new Inquisitor brought her a little closer to him. Their eyes met, and she nodded, apparently having realized the same thing he had: that they had to get out into the open so they would have more freedom to move.

Slowly but surely, coordinating their efforts through careful glances out of the corners of their eyes, Kanan and Ahsoka began to lead the Inquisitors away from the door, pushing and pulling the direction of their blows and feints and dodges in ways that would take them as far away from cumbersome obstacles as possible.

Again, Kanan studied his surroundings for something they could use to catch the Inquisitors off-guard: higher ground, objects to throw with the Force, anything. But before he could get too far in his tactical analysis, Fifth Brother lashed out in a series of quick strikes, alternating between the two blades of his lightsaber and forcing Kanan to go on the defensive to counter them.

Kanan darted back as he angled on blade and made a lunge for his right shoulder, hoping to incapacitate his fighting arm. Kanan danced around another blow and his blade again to counter a series of quick strikes head-on.

Suddenly, Fifth Brother seemed to jump in surprise, and leapt back with a twirl of his lightsaber. And that was when Kanan's senses caught a familiar presence, and heard a familiar blue lightsaber ignite.

"Ezra?" he called, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of his apprentice.

"Kanan, Ahsoka, I brought help!"

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