Chapter Forty-One: A Commemoration Of Bravery

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Lux had made the mistake of only taking Ahsoka half-seriously when she had told him she was kicking him out until he had worked things out with his sister, and had paid the price: two rather uncomfortable nights on the couch in the common room aboard the White Saber.

Needless to say, between his reflections on the issues at hand and the lack of warm blankets to ease the chill of deep space, he hadn't slept much.

However, one worry off his chest was the fact that Jani was making a speedy recovery. She was well within the acceptable parameters for neural activity and responding well to physiotherapy.

The medics had said it would take some time for her to recover her dexterity from before the accident, but things were looking up: Jani picked up fairly easily on things like how to feed herself and write with a stylus as muscle memory and reflex had helped her along the way.

The only thing left was to figure out was if it would carry her far enough for her to be considered still able to fly.

But for now, Lux told himself he had to put that to the back of his mind. Today was a day to honor his sister more than anything.

The award ceremony was just beginning as he walked into the modest assembly hall aboard the Liberator. Lux lingered by the doorway for a moment, watching the scene unfold.

Jani's fellow pilots stood in a line on the small podium before the gathering of crewmembers whose uniforms bore the markings of several different ships in the Rebel fleet. The first one was speaking of the time Janira had stayed behind to cover him from Imperial fire when he was injured, and, in risking her life, had bought him time to get himself to safety.

One after the other, the pilots stepped forward to share their experiences in turn. In each story, Jani had distinguished herself by helping them in some way, often putting her own life in the balance.

Lux found it sounded more like a eulogy than an award ceremony, but the sincerity of their stories and the immense respect they had for what Janira had done for them struck a chord somewhere deep within him. Their point of view was vastly different from his – they saw her daringness as a form of bravery instead of foolishness, as he did – but perhaps there was something he could learn from it.

Lux took advantage of a lapse in the ceremony to find Ahsoka. Before long, he had found her sitting near the back of the room, and as their eyes met, she gestured to the empty seat next to her, which he had a feeling she had been saving for him. Lux nodded and wove through the gathering of people towards her.

He sat down heavily, and was silent for a moment, crossing and uncrossed his arms. "I talked to her," he whispered finally, turning to look over at her. "I went to see her three times."

"And...?" Ahsoka prompted quietly.

"And... she's still mad."

"But it's progress."

Lux nodded. "Progress," he echoed, his voice hollow. He scanned the room for a moment, then turned to ask Ahsoka a question. "Is Kanan here?"

"No. He and Ezra are on a training mission. At least you have one less sibling to worry about avoiding, huh?"

"Socks, don't be like that–"

"Don't you Socks me." Ahsoka regarded him coldly out of the corner of her eye for a moment, but when she spoke again, her voice was softer. "I just... I want you to fix this, Lux. And I know that you do too, even though the fact that you can't see a quick and easy way to do it is making you want to keep a safe distance. You're hoping it will all just fly away so you won't have to do anything."

And then it hit him. "Fly away... flying. That's it!"

Under Ahsoka's surprised gaze, Lux took her hand and kissed it. "Did I just do something?" she asked, one white eyebrow raised in inquiry.

"Maybe. I don't know. Wait, yes. I think so." Lux kissed her hand again, grinning from ear to ear. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, sweetie, but this ceremony is for your sister, remember?" Ahsoka whispered, pointing towards the podium. "Pay attention now. Scheme later."

"Point," Lux agreed, and fell silent. But he didn't let go of her hand.

Hera stepped forward then. She looked back at her pilots for a moment, and even from the far end of the room, Lux could see the proud smile on her face. "Captain Janira Elt," she began. "Squadron leader in my stead. One of the best pilots in the Rebellion, and an even better friend. I wouldn't have enough time to recount all the brave and selfless things she has done for us even if I had a year to do it."

Janira came to the stage then, her expression solemn but her grey eyes glittering. While she was decked out in her A-wing pilot's suit, it was not the helmet that went with it that was tucked under her arm: it was the one she had worn as an X-wing pilot.

She always was ridiculously attached to that fighter, Lux thought with a smile.

"And so," Hera continued, "it is my great privilege to bestow upon her the first Medal of Bravery – the Rebellion's highest honor."

Hera took the medal from a padded case held by Commander Sato. Jani bowed her head, and Hera placed it around her neck.

The audience rose from their seats and burst into applause, cheering Janira's name. Lux and Ahsoka stood too, and as their eyes met, she asked another question.

"Now are you going to tell me what this plan of yours is?"

Lux shook his head, but his gaze didn't leave his little sister. "Not yet. I think this is something I have to do on my own. Just..."

Ahsoka nodded, her blue eyes intrigued.

"Can I borrow the Hope and one of those A-wings for a few hours?"

*Lux's mind is whirring away with plans to fix things with his sister. But could the distance that the fight formed between them have rendered that impossible? Could it be that it will eventually come to parallel the separation he feels from his birth father? How will the people closest to the Bonteri twins react if that is the case? And with her increasing importance to the Rebellion and to Kanan and Ezra, will Ahsoka's other obligations, such as those to her Padawan, be pushed to the wayside? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Heyyyy guys! What's new? :)




Anyways, I found another fun way to integrate SW canon into UAAT and vice versa. You see, the Medal of Bravery I was talking about is the medal Leia gives to Han and Luke at the end of ANH. It's supposed to be for outstanding courage and all that, so I thought, because recklessness and bravery sometimes overlap, how cool would it be if Jani was the first person to receive it? I mean, it's not like the Rebellion just pulled the award out of nowhere for ANH, right?

Anyways, I'll address the rest of the big stuff in the author's note for the next chapter. I'm sure you're all eager to read the next chapter ;)


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