Chapter Twenty-Three: Time To Go

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The sun filtered into the enormous stately hallways of the Jedi Temple, warming Amni's face. Through her closed eyelids, she could only see a bright, purplish-orange glow, and that allowed her to focus on the faint, birdlike aura of the child that had been with her for a few months now.

She folded her hands over the gentle curve of her stomach, smiling to herself. It was in moments like these, however rare they might be, that she felt perfectly at peace, oblivious to all the troubles that loomed like shadows over her everyday life.

And there were more of those than she liked to think about, even here on Cialone, so removed from the rest of the galaxy. The Jedi living in the Temple had grown restless. Public opinion was swaying against being amassed in one place as a group if they weren't there to do anything about all the strife the Empire had caused the galaxy. The tactical strategists among them believed that it made them vulnerable to an attack, despite Cialone's impressive defensive weapons systems.

Some people, even close friends of hers, doubted whether or not the New Jedi Order was really just a failed attempt to revive the old ways when they were perhaps better off trying to evolve along with the changing galaxy. Whispers were being passed from person to person, and many Jedi were thinking of leaving. Some already had: Amni had watched as Masters had packed up their things and their Padawans to go live alone or in small communities in remote corners of the galaxy, where it was safer.

The New Jedi Order was hanging on by a thread without Ahsoka, its founder, there in person. She held a specific sort of sway over the masses that made her the only one who could ensure that everyone didn't drift away in their own directions.

"Amni? Amni, are you all right, sweetheart?"

Amni blinked, realizing her mouth had formed itself into a frown as the weight of those dark thoughts had been bearing down on her. "I'm fine," she said, turning to face her husband. "Just thinking. I must have been dropping off a little or something."

Christo shot her a look that told her he saw right through her attempt to make light of the situation. "Amni. Don't give me that," he said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You've been thinking about all the Jedi who are leaving again, haven't you?"

She nodded slowly. "There's a rift forming between us. Friends are turning their backs on friends because their interests have grown so different. It hurts, Christo. I can't stand to see it, and yet it's been happening all around us for months."

"Of course it does - you're a doctor. You have a special sort of relationship with your patients. You know everyone here by name, because by now you must've treated them or given them checkups a few dozen times each."

Amni sighed. "Christo, I've been here since the beginning of the New Jedi Order, and you have too, practically. No way do I want to leave, but sometimes I wonder if we're really safe here. There was that whole conflict thirteen years ago, and then those two Inquisitors a month ago... As much as I want to believe it, I just don't know if our baby will be able to grow up here completely out of harm's way."

"Hey. Hey." Christo pulled her into a hug. "Amni, the whole galaxy is divided. As hard as it is to say it, I don't think we're completely safe anywhere. We just have to make do with what we've got, and do the rest ourselves." He planted a kiss on the top of her head, rubbing her back soothingly. "We'll make it safe. Our baby will grow up to be a healthy little boy or girl. We'll make sure of that."

Amni nodded against his shoulder. "Okay," she whispered.

"Come on. The Bonteri kids are probably almost done their lessons on stellar mechanics by now - let's go get them a treat from the kitchens before we go pick them up."

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