Chapter One Hundred And Four: Conversations Parallel

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The higher the stone lift brought him and Kanan above the ground, the more certain Ezra became of the fact that this was the calm before the storm.

He could see the signs all around him – especially in the way his friends carried themselves. Ahsoka looked like something deep inside her had broken. While she was as ready for battle as ever, it was as though her every step forward was adding to some sort of deep emotional pain she had to carry with her.

Beside him, Kanan had his every muscle clenched so tightly Ezra was certain if he so much as touched him, they would all reflexively snap forward. Then, he would look down and find himself missing a limb.

But it was true that the stakes had never been higher – the three Inquisitors already here plus Vader's pending arrival definitely weren't helping their odds.

But Ezra was sure they could be out of here before the Sith Lord caught up with them. Otherwise, he and Kanan would figure something out, like they always did. They had Ahsoka's additional skill and Maul's knowledge of the Temple. That was sure to help them out, wasn't it?

But as he shot another glance over beside him, he realized there was another storm brewing, this one of a far different kind. Kanan had simply been waiting for the lift to carry them up out of earshot before he shared what was on his mind.

Ezra stifled a sigh. Here comes the lecture.

Sure enough, a moment later, Kanan put a hand on his shoulder and began. "Ezra, listen to me – he's using you."

"Are you ever going to trust me to think for myself; to follow my instincts?" Ezra retorted, and shook him off.

"I do trust you!"

Ezra bit back a growl and began to pace around in the limited space available on the lift – thankfully, they were nearing the top of the Temple now, and he would have more room to burn off his irritation if he wanted it. "Maul sees what I could be. You don't."

"He'll say anything to get what he wants."

Ezra's frown deepened, but before a biting reply could find its way off his tongue, he caught sight of a familiar glimmer of red. But he didn't yell in time for Kanan to turn and absorb the blow before the new Inquisitor kicked him away.

Ezra winced as his Master struck the stone wall and fell heavily to the floor, winded, but there was no time to worry now. The Inquisitor was readying himself for a duel, and he had to do the same.

After a moment's hesitation, Ezra ignited his lightsaber and leapt forward to cross blades with his opponent. The Inquisitor warded off his strikes easily, jumping back and using his momentum sling himself around behind him. Then, his boot connected with Ezra's back, sending him tumbling towards the edge of the platform.

He caught himself just in time, but was soon presented with a new problem. The Inquisitor was drawing ever nearer, and if he wanted to climb back up to face him again, he would have to sheath his blade and leave himself open for an attack.

Plus, if he lingered here much longer, he was going to fall.

"Give me the holocron!" the Inquisitor growled, and crouched to hold one saber to Ezra's throat.

Ezra set his jaw and said nothing, but his blood froze up in his veins when the dual blades disappeared and tiny vibroblades shot up along the outer circumference of the hilt. And the closer they drifted to where he clung to the edge of the platform, they faster they spun, until they would have cut through solid durasteel just by grazing it.

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