Chapter Five: On Family And Friends

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Lux couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

Because of their very different lines of work and obligations, they had never had the chance to grow very close. But as twin brother and sister, even if he was the only one of them able to touch the Force, he and Janira had a special bond to one another that couldn't easily be broken.

Being with her just made him happy.

"So, what is it you've been so keen on telling me?" Lux asked her.

Jani grinned, reaching out to take his hands. "Promise you won't freak out."

His fingers curled around her own, which were worn from years of working with metal. "I can't make a promise I'm probably going to break, if how excited you are about this is any indication."

"Okay. Uh... hang on a minute. I've just gotta find it..." She rummaged through a pocket in her sleeve, and eventually fished out a grey identi-tab that would have been unremarkable had it not been brand new. She held it out for him, nodding for him to take it.

She pressed her thumb to the reader, and a hologram with her information as a member of the Rebellion came up. There was nothing different he noticed about the readings until he got to the very last line:

Current posting: Phoenix Squadron

Lux looked back up at her, his eyes wide. "You're with Phoenix Squadron?"

"I was offered the post yesterday morning. I accepted it practically as soon as I got the call." Then, her smile dropped into a perplexed frown. "You're not happy..."

"Jani," he said, putting his hands on her shoulders, "I am. Really, I am. But Phoenix Squadron has the highest death rate of any of the Rebel cells. It's a huge risk for anyone – even the best pilots there are – to fly with them."

"Even greater than Ryloth? Or Onderon? Lux, you know how Saw's gotten. He's even more reckless than usual, and people are talking about having him step down from command of the unit. And besides, you never gain anything against the Empire if you don't take risks."

He sighed, unable to look into his sister's penetrating grey eyes. "I'm sorry. I just... I worry. Sometimes it seems like my whole life revolves around worry. I figured you were safe enough with our brothers-in-arms on Onderon, but now... And I don't know where Ahsoka even is half the time. And that really scares me. Because someday, I feel like I'll be here at home, waiting for you and Ahsoka, and... and you just won't come."

Jani pulled him into a hug, which he returned, tucking his chin over her shoulder. "I promise I'll be fine," she whispered, her fingers rubbing soothing circles into his back. "You're overprotective as hell, you know that?"

He chuckled. "Yeah. I guess I am."

"There's really no need for you to worry about us as much as you do, Lux," she said. "I can handle myself. I wouldn't be around now if I couldn't. And Ahsoka's a Jedi, not to mention an amazing strategist."

"She really is," he said, grinning. He only wished his beautiful wife was there with them now – Ahsoka got along with Janira practically as well has he did. And he just wanted to see her again. The last time they had been together had only been for three days, and–

"You miss her."

"Yeah. But I know she'll be home soon. Oh, and I forgot to ask: how are things with Saw? Not good, I'm guessing, if what you say is true."

"The war never really ended for him," she said with a sigh. "He's prone to snapping at people, even those closest to him. And he's in a lot of pain from..."

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