Chapter 1

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Hi. This is the sequel to Neutral Zone and I suggest that you read that one before reading this, it might make a little bit more sense. 

This story is going to be a lot different then Neutral Zone and I'm excited to be writing. I'm trying to make the chapters longer and because of that I may not post very often but I will try to get at least two chapters a week.

Enjoy and please feel free to let me know what you think.


Thin Ice- Chapter 1

I leaned against a glass wall, the one that separated the area where you got on the plane and the area where you waited for your plane to be called, wishing that Justin would Justin get here already. I had talked to him the night before and he said his plane was going to land at exactly 1:50. I figured that by the time his plane landed and he got off and through security, it would be around 2:00, yet here I was at 2:30 standing by myself. I pushed away from the wall and peered up at the board that said all of the flights, his was no longer on there so I knew the plane had landed. I turned to the glass, pressing my hands against and looking around.

          "You've got to be kidding me." I said as I took in what I saw, Justin was standing on the other side of the glass, talking to an older guy and two teenage girls. The older guy had on a Saginaw spirit jacket and the girls were giggling. I frowned as Justin grinned at them. One of the girls, both of which had long brown hair, handed the older guy who had to be their dad, a camera. He took it from her and turned to Justin as both of the girls wrapped an arm around Justin. He wrapped an arm around both of them and grinned at the camera. The dad handed the camera back to his daugther and shook Justin's hand. Both of the girls gave Justin a big hug before walking towards security.

 Justin picked up his bag and looked around, when he spotted me through the glass he grinned, when he noticed that I wasn't smiling, he lost his smile and nervously scratched the back of his head. I watched as he went through security and slowly made his way over to me.

          "Hi." He said, smiling softly. Now that he was right in front of my I was able to get a good look at him, His brown hair was lighter from the summer sun and it was longer it the back, giving him what looked slightly like a curly mullet, his brown eyes were the same brown color that I loved looking into. His hair was the only thing that changed but I could get used to it quickly.

          "Hi." I raised my eyebrow, not sure what else to say.

          "How are you?" He says still smiling. The smile made me want to forgot that I was angry at him but I couldn't let myself do that.

          "I'm kind of pissed off. What about you?

          "What is my girl pissed off about?" The way he said my girl made my stomach flip. 

          "Your 30 minutes late." I frown at him.

          "I'm sorry, I was on my way when that guy and his daugthers walked up to me, they said they loved watching me play and we got talking, I didn't mean for it to take that long." He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards the exit.

          "I didn't get to be the first girl in bay city to hug you." I pout, not sure what he was going to say.

          "You can be the first girl and the only girl in bay city to kiss me." As we step outside into the warm late September air, he wraps both of his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I wrap my arms around him, trying not to smile.

          "What if I don't want to kiss you?" I tease. 

          "Your going to anyways." He grins before pressing his lips to mine. 

It was always so hard to stay mad at this crazy boy.


          "I'm so glad to be back." Justin grins as we walk up the steps to my house. The outside of the house hasn't changed at all since Justin was last year but the inside has. My mom decided to re-paint all of the walls, so they were no longer bright colors but now neutral colors like whites and tans. 

          "I'm glad your back." I smile, pulling my key out of my pocket and pushing it into the doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open. 

Justin pushes past me and into the house, still smiling.  He drops his bag next to the bookshelf and drops to his knees.

          "Z! You beast!" Z, the dog that my mom and Justin got my after Zane's death, is now fully grown. He jumps onto Justin and begins licking his face. I laugh as Justin grins at the dog, petting his back.

I set my keys on my bookshelf and walk back outside, going to the trunk of my small car, I pull out two more of Justin's bag and make my way back into the house. Justin is now playing with Z, throwing his ball and watching him bring it back.

          "I can get my bags." He gives Z one more pet before taking the bags from me and setting them next to the stairs.

          "I wanted to help." I smile. "You have practice tonight, you should get some sleep." I open the screen door again, preparing to get more of his bags.

          "I wont do any sleeping unless your next to me." He whispers into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest. 

          "I don't think my mom would like to come home to that." I whisper back, trieing not to shiver at how husky his voice had gotten.

          "Kae Anderson! You dirty girl! I just wanted you to lay next to me. Get your mind out of the gutter." My cheeks turned pink as he let me go and walked past me, out to the car. I'm still standing there when he comes back with three bags. He shoves one into my open hand and I turn around, walking back into the house and grabbing one of the two that he set next to the stairs, I walk up the stairs with him right behind me.

          "Last year when I said that your ass didn't provide me much to look at, I was lying." He says as we reach his room. I set one of the bags down before reaching over and slapping his shoulder. He laughs. "Was that supposed to hurt?" He grins.

I shake me head at him, glad that he was back 


          "Justin! Kae! I'm home." I hear my mom yell as Justin sleeps next to me, his right leg thrown over both of mine, his right arm gripping my shoulder. I had done what he asked as laid next to him so he could get some sleep and when he fell asleep I was surprised when he rolled over and threw himself across me. 

Before we laid down, We had done most of his unpacking and the room was beginning to look more like it did before he left. 

As my mom called our names again, I shook Justin's shoulder. He groaned and rolled away. Now that I was free, I sat up, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him again. He slowly sits up.

          "What do you want?" He cocks his head to this side, giving me a goofy half asleep look.

          "My mom is home." I laugh. 

          "Seriously?" He grins, sitting all the way up and getting off the bed, grabbing his shirt and slipping it over his head. I keep laughing as I get off the bed and slip my flip flops back on, following him downstairs as he runs down the stairs.

          "Amanda!" He shouts as he gets down the stairs, to find my mom standing against the door, looking through the mail. "I missed you!" He pulls her into a hug and she laughs.

"I missed you to Justin." She hugs him back. My mom has blonde hair just like I do but her eyes are blue, way different from my brown eyes which I get from my terrible father.

          "I didn't get a reaction like that." I pretend to be mad, trieing not to smile.

          "Kae!" He lets go of my mom, turning to me, his does the same. "I missed you more." He whispers into my ear as he hugs me tightly.

          "You better have." I laugh again, hugging him back as tightly as I can.

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