Chapter 14

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          "Adrianna." She is in her usual spot, leaning against the school, a ciggerate between two fingers on one hand, her phone in her other hand.

It's been excatly 3 days since Ali and I talked about me breaking up with Justin. I've been doing as she said, giving him space, letting any anger he may have fade before talking to him.

The bad part is, it isn't working. He's still angry, he leaves a room when I walk in. Whenever someone mentions me during a conversation, he snorts before walking away. 

Each rude thing he did was like a stab in the chest. I knew I deserved it, I had broken up with him for no reason, but did he really need to do it so much? 

          "Yeah?"  She looks up from her phone, in interested look on her face. I had been  avoiding her, knowing that if I did talk to her, I would end up doing what I was about to do, sooner than I wanted to do.

          "Are you going to a party tonight?" I ask. It was Friday night, so I knew that she most likely was but I still felt the need to ask, it would be rude not to.

          "Yeah. You wanna come?" She lifts the cigarette to her lips, taking a quick drag, blowing out the smoke slowly.

I nod, I had been hoping she would ask so I didnt have to ask. 

          "What about Justin? I don't want him bitching at me again." She rolls her eyes and so did I. Justin had over reacted about the situation, It wasn't like she forced me to do what I did, it was my decision and no one elses.

          "I broke up with him...." I look down at my shoes, kicking at a rock that sat in front of me.

          "Really?" The look on her face is pure shock. I nod, pulling my sleeves down so I was able to hide my hands as I clenched my fists. 

Adrianna shrugs, nodding towards her car. I quickly followed her, hoping to be able to keep up with her fast stride. 

The drive to this place was faster than the last one. This place had more people, despite the fact that it was 4 in the afternoon. 

We got out of the car, me standing near the passenger side door as she opened the door to the backseat, reaching below the seat, she pulled out a brown paper bag. Grinning, she stood up, shaking the bag in front of me and I knew what was in it. Cocaine.

I was smiling to as I followed her up to the front door to the house, not thinking anything as she pushed the door open, people cheer as she walks further into the house, holding the bag out in front of her.

I laugh, trying to feel comfortable around all of the people but failing miserably. 

          "Adrianna!" A guy, with dark brown hair and grey eyes, shouts as he steps in front of us, reaching out to take the bag, a huge smile on his face. I instantly know that this is his party, by the way everyone nods to him as they enter, and by the way most of the attention is focused on him, no matter what they are doing. "Is this enough to go around?" He asks, slightly joking.

          "Of Course, Like I'd let you down." Adrianna laughs as she reaches up behind her, pulling her long hair out of the pony it had been up in all day.

          "Who is this?" He turns his grey eyes to me, narrowing him slightly. I glare back, not sure how else to react, I didn't know him and he didn't know me but that was no reason to be rude.

          "This is Kae. She is alittle new to partying but shes cool." Adrianna laughs as she wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me foreword.

          "I'm not new to partying." I glare at her, stepping away from her arm.  He smirks and she laughs.

          "You look like it." He hands the bag back to Adrianna, nodding, knowing that she knows what to do with it.

          "How?" I ask, biting my lip and looking around.  People were following Adrianna as she stepped into an open door that looked like it led to the kitchen.

          "Your shoulders are stiff." He reaches over, running his fingers along the top of my shoulders and the back of my neck. I freeze, taking a step back.

          "You look nervous." He runs a finger down the frown lines I knew covered my forehead, sighing when I take another step back. "I'm going to step outside so I can smoke real quick. Wanna join me?" He says as he pulls a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his back pocket.

          "I don't like to go places alone with guys I don't know." I bite my lip again, knowing that if I didnt stop soon I would bite into the skin and end up bleeding.

He shrugs,"My name is Louis, If you change your mind, i'll be outside." He steps around me, going back out the door that I had just come in through.

I follow the crowd of people into the kitchen, where people were lining up as they took turns doing lines of the white powder.

I stepped behind Adrianna, watching how she does her line before stepping up to the counter and doing my own. My hands going up to wipe at my nose, coughing slightly.

Once my head was cloudy and it was harder to think, I walked into the living room, ploping myself down on one of the couches.


Ali was going through the books in her locker when he walked up to her, a nervous look on his face as he ran his fingers through his hair.

          "How is Kae?" Justin asked, fiddling with the straps on his backpack. He had been like this ever since Ali found out about the break up, he would act cold to her but then as soon as she wasn't around he would come running to Ali to ask how she was.

          "Why don't you ask her?" Ali glares at him. Getting sick of him causing her close friend so much pain.

          "She dumped me, remember?" Justin narrows his eyes, getting sick of people making him feel guilty.

          "She regrets it! She wasn't thinking when she did it and now she's going to be pissed at me for telling you that." Ali curses under her breath, stuffing the books she doesn't need back in her locker, she shoves the one she does need in her bag.

          "What does that mean?" Justin's eyes widen, as he smiles slightly.

          "Go talk to her." Ali nudges Justin with her bag, smiling when she notices Bryce at the end of the hallway, slowly walking towards them.

          "No thanks." Justin suddenly looks angry again as he turns around, storming down the hallway.

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