Chapter 2

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Thin Ice- Chapter 2

          "You've improved since last season." I tell Justin as he comes out of the locker room after his practice. 

I wasn't lying, He really had improved and it was much more fun to watch him now, knowing that he would miss less of his shots and I would have to deal with less angry Justin. 

          "Really?" He looks down, smiling as he wraps one of his arm around my shoulders, the other hand holding on to his bag, 

          "Yeah." I reach up and kiss him on the cheek before looking around for my mom. I found her quickly, standing by a back exit, talking to one of the players.

          "Is that Brandon Archibald?" I ask Justin, clutching on to his arm and referring to the tall guy my mom was talking to.

          "Yeah." He nods and I grin.

          "You have to introduce me." I keep smiling, looking back and forth between Justin and Brandon.

          "You'll have to do something for me." Justin grins evilly before taking my hand and walking towards Brandon.

          "What will I have to do?" I bite me lip, not sure if agreeing to this is a good idea.

          "Your going to have to wait and see." He continues to grin as we reach my mom and Brandon.

          "Brandon." Justin nods.

          "Yeah?" Brandon looks up and smiles at Justin before looking down at me.

Brandon has curly brown hair, which is covered by a grey saginaw spirit beanie, dark blue eyes and his chin is covered in stubble that only guys with his type of facial bulid can pull off. 

          "This is my girlfriend Kae. Kae, This is Brandon." Brandon smiles and holds out his hand. I squeeze Justin's hand and let go, reaching out and shaking Brandon's hand.

          "Nice to meet you." I grin, nodding slowly.

          "Nice to meet you to." He smiles before turning back to my mom. I grab Justin's arm and pull him away.

          'He is so freaking cool." 

          "He's alright." Justin shakes his head as I look over his shoulder at Brandon. "I thought I was your favorite player." Justin teases me.

          "You are. Brandon is my second favorite." I had found out about Brandon Archibald during the middle of last season and had been to busy with Justin and the drama that he brought to notice how well he played. Well sitting and watching the practice I realized that Brandon was a good player and was going to do us some good this season. 

          "Lets keep it that way." Justin smiled. 

I shrugged, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the exit, leaving my mom to get home on her own.


          "Do you want to know how your going to pay me back for introducing you to Brandon?" Justin asked as I walk into his room after changing into my Pjs. 

          "Not really." My mom had gotten home a few minutes after us and she had been slightly angry that we left without letting her now but she had quickly gotten over it and sent us upstairs.

          "Back Massage." He pulls his t-shirt over his head and lays down on his bed, waiting for me to sit next to him before rolling over onto his back. I look down at his toned back, taking a deep breath I begin rubbing at his shoulders. I laugh as he sighs and  turns his head so he can look up at me.

          "You should do this every night." He closes his eyes I run my hands over his tense muscles

          "Maybe every other night, if I can get one afterwards." I kiss his shoulder. "Justin?" I whisper when he doesn't reply. I shake his shoulder.

          "He fell asleep on me." I mutter as I get up from the bed, grabbing a blanket and laying it across his back, I leave the room, turning the light off as I go. 


          "Kae! Wake Up!" Justin yelled into my ear as I rolled over, trying to ignore him. I knew that it was around 5:30 in the morning and I needed to get up for school but a few extra minutes couldn't hurt. As he pulled the warm blankets I could feel the cold air nip at my skin, I groaned and tried to get back under them

          "Come on! I want to go to school!" He whines and I giggle.

          "You sound like a little kid on the first day of school." I mutter, still not opening my eyes.

          "I'm not a little kid but it is my first day now get your fine ass up." With one swift pull, he tore the blanket away from me and I groaned again, pulling my pillow on top of my head. "No." Justin tugs the pillow from my hand and I curl up in a ball on the black and white quilts.

          "Five more minutes." I whisper, knowing that he will hear me.

          "Please get up." His voice was completely serious and was even slightly on the rough side. 

I slowly lifted my head and looked at him, He had bed head, with his brown curls sticking up on the top of his head, and pillow marks on the side of his face but that's not what bothered me, the fact that he was glaring at me and his jaw was clenched wasn't a good thing.

          "Are you mad?" I ask, not sure how else to say it.

          "No, I'm just not in the mood for this." He tosses my pillow and blankets on the foot of the bed.

          "Then get out and come back when you are in the mood for a little joking around." I point to the door, hoping my facial expression doesn't give away the fact that I dont want us to have moments like this one.

 He shakes his head, running his hand through his hair, he walks out of the room and into his room.


This is a present to all of you because 1/30/12 is my 1st anniversary on Wattpad. I cant belive its been a year , it really doesnt seem that long.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think, I dont bite. :P

Vote, Please. :)

 The next chapter will get a little bit more exciting but I wont post it until this chapter reaches 100 reads. 

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