Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

          "Kae." Justins says as he comes into the kitchen, watching me as I pick at  a muffin. 

          "What?" I dont look up, instead I stand up and toss the muffin and the paper plate that its on into the trash. I sit down again, looking down and glaring at the shiny surface of the brown kitchen table.

          "I'm sorry. I"m not really mad at you. I've just been stressed lately." He signs and I look up, watching as he takes the seat across from me, a frown on his face.

          "Why are you stressed?" I ask as I use my finger to trace the wood-like pattern that covers the table.

          "I have to start school a month into the year, The coaches have been hard on me because I didnt do very well during training over the summer, I miss my mom and I hate it when you dont listen to me." He is breathing hard as all the words rush out.

          "You started school a month into the year last year and you were just fine. By the way you practiced last night, you arent doing bad anymore so I wouldnt worry about that. I cant do anything about you missing your mom but when do I not listen to you." I glare at him.

          "You werent listening to me when I tried to wake you up." He glares back.

          "Thats the only time." I tell him, standing up and grabbing my keys off the counter. I walk into the living room, snatching my book bag from where I set it in the green chair that sat near the kitchen door. 

          "Kae. Please" Justin says as he comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my wasit. "I didnt mean it. Please dont be mad at me." He is almost begging as he pulls me against his chest. 

          "You cant take your stress out on me." I twirl my keys between my fingers, looking down at my black fuzzy boots.

          "I wont. I promise." He kisses the side of my head and squeezes my waist before letting go and darting up the stairs, coming back a minute later with his book bag in hand, a small smile on his face.

I smile back and walk towards the door. Not really excited for another day of school.


          "Justin!" I hear her before I can see her. The blonde that I will forever hate. It doesnt surprise me that she decided to make a scene in a hallway full of people. In the beginging of the year, it seemed like she had changed and had become a more tolerable person but the moment she recovered from having her baby boy, she was back to being her annoying self. 

I look up at Justin, watching him as he looks for her, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. She turns the corner and wraps her arms around him as I glare. He wraps one arm around her, giving her a small hug before pushing her away and stepping towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

          "I missed you." Sarah says as she smiles up at him.

          "How have you been?" He asks as I hold back a grin. I loved that fact that he didnt say that he missed her.

I normally wasnt like this. I normally hated it seeing people do mean things to other people but ever since Sarah ruined my dad's life, I've been happy with any bad thing that happened to her.

Sarah was my best friend before she broke up my mom and dad so she could step all over my dad before getting pregnant with another guys baby and sending my dad into a drunken depression that resulted in him driving drunk and hitting a car that me and my boyfriend Zane were in. Even though it was my dad driving the car, I still blamed her.

          "I've been okay." Sarah's smile fades alittle when she realizes that he isnt going to be 100% nice.

          "How's your baby?" Justin asks, still trying to be polite.

          "Good. Would you like to see a picture?" She grins as she digs her phone out of her pocket. She had given, Nick, up for adoption but kept it an open adoption and the new parents of the blonde haired blue eyed boy allowed her to babysit for them all the time, so her phone was full of pictures of him.

She pulled one up and showed it to Justin. He grinned and smiled.

          "He looks just like you." Justin smiles as the warning bell rings. "It was nice talking to you again but I've got to get to class now." 

I smile as Justin pulls me away and we walk down the hall.


          "Is this the same Mr.Roberts as last year." He asks, grinning at the peice of paper that had all of his classes written on it. We were standing outside of the door as people started to enter.

          "Yeah." Our algebra teacher from last year decided that he was also going to teach 11th graders to. It wasnt a bad thing but it isnt a good thing. Mr.Roberts is either really mean or really nice and it isnt always fun.

          "Let the fun begin." Justin grins and I laugh, I grab his hand and pull him into the classroom. He stands at the front of the room as I take my seat. A moment later the bell rings and Mr.Roberts comes in.

          "Ah. Justin Kea." Mr.Roberts says, shaking his head as he takes his seat at his desk. "I'm sure that everyone already knows you and you dont need special new kid treatment so why dont you take a seat in one of the desks next to Kae." Mr.Roberts shakes his head. 

Justin grins before taking a seat in the desk behind mine.


Class was about half way over when there is a knock at the door. Mr.Roberts groans as he pulls himself out of his chair and walks over to the door. When he opens it, a tall girl with long dark brown hair steps into the room, handing him a tardy pass. 

She is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. Just by looking at her I can tell that she is going to be causing alot of drama.

          "Class. This is Adrianna Nicole. She's new so be nice." The girl turns and checks out everyone in the room, the eyebrows above her brown eyes raised, One she's done, She smirks. "Take a seat." Adrianna picks an empty near the back of the room.


This is un-edited. I took some sleeping pills before writing this and now I'm about to fall asleep so I'm sorry if anything is miss spelled.

I'm going to a hockey game tomorrow night and I'm super excited. :)

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