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            "I'm so happy for you." Ali says as she helps me empty one of my boxes. It had been two weeks and Justin and I were slowly moving into our new house.

We started by buying things for the living room, like a couch, a love-seat and a tv stand. We were using the Tv  that had been in my room at my mom's house. The bed that had been in Justin's room was big enough for our bedroom and I was thankful that my mom had let us take them. 

The kitchen had come with a fridge, a stove and counters so all we had to buy was a dinner table and chairs. We left the extra bedrooms empty, putting any things that we weren't currently using in them.

Buying stuff for the bathrooms was easy because all we needed to buy were shower curtains, towels, washclothes.

I laughed as she handed me a stack of bowls, I hopped up on the counter, placing them in the cupboard above it. "Thanks." 

            "I was hopping that Bryce would ask me to move in with him over the summer but he didn't and I cant live with my parents forever so I'm thinking about getting my own apartment." She says, pushing the now empty box off to the side.

            "There's a nice apartment building down the street, its cheap to, If Justin and I hadn't found this place we probably would have moved there." I tell her, stepping back onto the floor.

            "I'll have to take a look at it then." She grins, I could tell that Ali was truly happy. She may be slightly upset about Bryce's lack of enthusiasm when it came to living together but she was happy with the way her life was going. She had gotten a job at the local newspaper, writing a help article that gave amazing advice. She was making good money and she had an amazing boyfriend. She was also very past the point of hurting her self, she told me many times that the urge was gone.

            "Bryce will come around, he's probably just nervous that you'll say no." I tell her, dragging another box towards me, cutting it open with a pair of scissors.

            "I may just have to ask him." She says after a moment of silence.

            "You should!" I grin, as I start pulling cups out of the box. When I told my mom about Justin and I's house she gave us half of her bowls and cups, saying that if she was going to be living alone, she wouldn't need alot of stuff. I argued at first, saying we could buy our own stuff but then Justin gently  placed a hand over my mouth, thanking my mom for the stuff.

            "And even if he says no, I wont be crushed. I'm a pretty girl, I can find a different guy. Hell, I don't need to be tied down right now. I'm only 18." I laugh at her as she crosses her arms and leans against the counter.

            "Are you and Bryce having problems?" I ask as I continue to unpack boxes, not bothered by the fact that she was no longer helping me.

            "We aren't as close as we were during school." She says, shrugging. "We're both busy with work." 

            "Talk to him, I'm sure he's just as upset as you are about it." I tell her, wishing that she would stop acting like she didn't care.

            "We're going to dinner tonight, I'll bring it up then." She crosses the room, picking up her purse from the table. "That reminds me that I need to go get ready."

            "Call me and let me know how talking to Bryce goes." I call after her as she walks out of the room.

            "I will, Bye!" I hear the front door open and close as I continue to unpack.


            "Honey, I'm home." The front door swings open and Justin steps in, holding a large box in his arms. "and I come with the tv." I laugh, jumping up from the couch and walking over to him. He sets the box down and pulls me into a hug.

            "This place is starting to look good." He tells me, still holding me against his chest.

Justin hadn't been able to help much when it came to unpacking, he had games and practice. He kept saying he felt bad but I could care less. Packing and unpacking gave me something to do since my job search had been put on hold. 

            "I know." I mutter, placing a kiss to his chin.

            "We should go break in the bed." He says, placing a hand on each side of his face, pulling my lips to his.

            "But you need to set up the tv first." I tell him, softly kissing him back.

            "Cant that wait until after." He groans, placing a kiss on the corner of my lips.

            "You'll say your to tired." I whisper, smiling. He nods, smirking

He lets me go, picking up the tv box and moving over to the stand where it would set.

            "I'll be in the bedroom." I tell him, waving before leaving the room.

His laugh echoes through the house, making me laugh to.


I'm trying to finish this story so I can focus on my other stories.

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