Chapter 12

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"Are you drunk!" The voice came from downstairs, loud and shrill. Said in a tone that had me jumping off my bed and running down the hall, going down the steps as quickly as i could, peeking my head through door that wasnt completly closed.

Justin was leaning against the TV stand, laughing, his eyes closed. My mom was standing a few feet infront of him, her hands on her hips.

It's been excatly a month since homecoming and things have been ruff. For the first week or two after, i went to the parties with Justin, laughing and drinking with the friends he had made but it got boring quickly. I stopped going but that didnt stop justin from going, he was going more now, more than usaul so this didnt surprise me, it was only a matter of time before he got caught.

"Maybe just alittle." Justin laughs some more, clutching his side as he struggles to stop.

"Justin, when we talked about you going to those parties, you promised you wouldnt get drunk." My mom is shouting at him.

"Loosen up." Justin slurs.

"Up stairs. I have a phone call to make." My mom is breathing heavily as she runs into the kitchen, digging through the junk drawer, most likely looking for the packet with all the hockey related numbers in it.

"No. Please." Justin follows her and as I stay in my place, I can hear him begging her.

"I told you that I dont tolerate drinking. this is your own fault." As I hear Justin leaving the kitchen, I dart back up the stairs and into my room.

If my mom did end up calling, Justin could get kicked off the team or suspended from games, nethier of them would be good for him and the fact that he is elgiable for the NHL draft.

I heard Justin come up the steps, his steps louder than normal. From my bed, I watched as he stumbles into his room, having a full blown panic attack.

As I sat there, alot going through my head, my palms became sweaty, my heart beat sped up and I to found it hard to breath.

I rose from my bed, wiping my hands on my shorts. I walk to Justins room.

He is sitting on the edge of his bed, leaning foreward, his head in his hands. As I come in, he raises his head, instantly opening his arms for me.

"No." I shake my head, biting my lip.

"Why?" Justin's voice breaks as he watches me, his eyes full of sadness.

"I cant do this anymore." I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Cant do what? There is nothing wrong between us." His voice is desperate as he gets up, walking over to me, gentely circling his hands around my wrists, pulling me to his chest.

"Things arent right." I whisper, pulling away and leaning against the wall beside the door, my own tears threatening to fall. "We barely hang out anymore. When we make plans, you cancel them for a party. You only want to be around me when you cant find a party or your horny." I close my eyes for a moment, letting the tears fall, before opening them back up and watching him.

He opens his mouth before closing it, lowering his head in defeat, knowing it's true.

"Please. I need you." He raises a hand, wiping at his cheeks.

"no." I mutter, crying harder, wanting  so badly to take it back.

"I wont party anymore." He begs, trying to grab my hand. Making a fist when I pull away.

"You'll stop for a week, maybe two but then you'll be right back at it." I whisper, pushing away from the wall and stepping out into the hall. "This is for the best." I tell him, not looking back as I turn around, walking towards my room and swinging the door shut. 

Dropping to the floor, I begin to truely cry. 

Crying so hard that I cant breath and I begin to cough. 

Crying so hard that I'm not sure if the tears are going to stop.

Crying until I fall asleep, exhusted from my mental conflict.


Not edited so ignor any mispelled words.

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